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Chasing Adventure Free Version $0.00
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Chasing Adventure Free Version
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Chasing Adventure Free Version
Publisher: Smore Productions
by Regényi [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/07/2024 08:03:00

I read through the whole thing, I say this feels like Dungeon World 2nd edition. Much more narrative, and it finally tosses out things like Load, and useless abilities. My only gripe is that most monsters deal 1 or 2 Conditions, and thats it, but I can always change it. Well, all the characters has only 5 "Health", so that might be a good reason. The other thing is the Move which allows you to Attack: it only uses the Strength stat, as in DW. But what if my character has high Dexterity? Thus the houserule to allow all characters with small weapons (Knives Daggers and shortsword) to able to attack with Dexterity instead of Strength). The game also has some of the old problems: what if I attack an enemy specifically on a point where it has no armor (like a dragon's eye?) Is there ay kind of penalty for that? Altough all can be resolved with houserules. I will definitely play this on the long run, especially that nowadays my only player is my wife. Keep up the good work, Im thinking about purchasing the full version in one form or another!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks, glad you're enjoying it! Fictional positioning is very powerful, as described in the GM section. It might bypass armor, or bypass needing to roll at all to attack someone.
Chasing Adventure Free Version
Publisher: Smore Productions
by Jon [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/03/2024 07:56:51

A great successor to Dungeon World, far more narrative and near PBTA, updated and far from "DND-isms" but without losing the feeling of heroic fantasy.

Only thing I can criticize and this is a personal taste, is that dying is only a choice, but that can be easily hacked if you have other preferences, otherwise the system is almost flawless.

The creator of the title is clearly active, eager and passionate.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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