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The Book of Random Tables: Quests 2 $4.99 $3.99
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The Book of Random Tables: Quests 2
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The Book of Random Tables: Quests 2
Publisher: dicegeeks
by Badger B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/24/2020 05:17:54

Awesome cover art!

I like the layout. There are a number of d100 tables included in the book. The tables themselves are not your normal one liners. Each entry is simple but quite complete. Here is an example:

"The queen has been cursed. Now, if she touches someone they will die. The court wizard claims to have heard of this kind of curse and asks the party to find a cure."

Within the book are the following d100 tables:

100 Curses 100 Deserts 100 Disasters 100 Dragons 100 Dwarves 100 Fighter Guild 100 Ghosts 100 Halflings 100 Mountains 100 War

In my opinion this is a solid DM resource book and a great one to keep on the shelf when plannning sessions / campaigns / one shots.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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