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Orphaned Star: A Twilight Imperium Genesys Adventure
Publisher: EDGE Studio
by Timothy [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/14/2024 20:13:28

I ran this as an intro for my new Embers of the Imperium campaign. It was great fun! The adventure is well designed, with plenty of GM advice. The adventure gives all the lore needed for neophytes to the setting, which is great. I highly recommend it!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Orphaned Star: A Twilight Imperium Genesys Adventure
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MythCraft Starter Kit
Publisher: QuasiReal House
by Timothy [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/25/2024 12:26:35

MythCraft is an indie ttrpg that has many common elements of other d20 systems, yet manages to do something fresh with it. The Action Point system is so much better than the traditional "1 action, 1 move, 1 bonus action, 1 reaction" setup. The magic isn't as potent as other systems, but that's a benefit, as it means that there isn't the caster/non-caster disparity of some more popular systems. The Spell Point system is a nice change of pace from spell slots, as well. The pre-built characters show off the advancement system nicely, as you can select various talents as you advance in lieu of a rigid class structure. The lineages (i.e.: species) also gain features as you level up, meaning that each lineage isn't monolithic, but allows customization even there. I highly recommend this system!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
MythCraft Starter Kit
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Children of Aten: Genesys Fantasy/Steampunk setting
Publisher: EDGE Studio
by Timothy F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/07/2020 17:43:57

If you're interested in a fantastic setting, but are tired of the typical fantasy tropes of elves and dwarves, Children of Aten is great! The Realms are basically different planets or moons within a "solar system", with an unpredictable series of portals that open at random. This means that a GM can move the players around from Realm to Realm as fits the adventure they want to run.

The species are interesting, with differing cultures to give them unique identities. Talents are likewise clever, providing some whimsical humor in their names that can help drive their narrative use.

Magic is detailed with a number of species-specific skills with a more limited range of magic actions, as opposed to the broad utility of the skills presented in the Genesys CRB. As a character can only learn to use a single magic skill (which requires a talent), this requires the player to focus on what they really want. Some may find this to be a drawback, but I find that it gives character to the setting.

The inclusion of steam-powered and other equipment not typically seen in a fantasy setting gives Children of Aten a sort of "Jules Verne" feel.

The book also has a dizzying array of Adversaries for GMs to populate their games with. It is important to note that any of these Adversaries could be "re-skinned" for use with any Genesys campaign in any setting.

5 out of 5 Stars!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Children of Aten: Genesys Fantasy/Steampunk setting
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Something Strange: Genesys Modern Horror Setting
Publisher: EDGE Studio
by Timothy F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/01/2019 09:33:46

Something Strange is a supplement for FFG's Genesys RPG, released under their Genesis Foundry licence. The author has categorized it as a Modern Horror Setting, but the supplement will work equally well for Urban Fantasy.

The supplement only spends a few pages detailing the "Setting", but that's because it doesn't need to. Set in the modern world, but with a supernatural twist, there isn't the need for a lot of exposition detailing the world. In fact, that very lack of detail gives the GM and Players using Something Strange the freedom to tailor the setting to their tastes. Without naming specifics, this could be used to emulate any number of book series, movies, or television series with very little effort.

There are a number of new Archetypes and Careers that are suited to the genre, but that could be used in any Genesys game, along with a large selection of new Talents.

Additionally, a few new rules help emphasize the theme, but they are simple and therefore should be easy to implement.

Something Strange has a small but useful section devoted to equipment and vehicles that should cover most situations.

The Adversary section covers some expected monsters (Vampires, Werewolves), but also some unusual choices (Chupacabra, Moth Man), and even named NPCs with a brief backstory ready to drop into a campaign. One of the strengths of Genesys is the ability to easily re-skin Adversaries, meaning a GM can use these in any game (or use Adversaries from any other Genesys product for a Something Strange campaign).

I purposely left one aspect of the supplement to the end of my review: Vampires and Werewolves. The author devised a brilliant way to handle these "monsters" as player characters. He uses Talents to represent them and their abilities, allowing a PC to become either a Vampire or a Werewolf (both not both) after character creation (although they could also spend some of their initial XP to start as one), and then grow in power over the course of a campaign.

It also means that an all Vampire or an all Werewolf campaign could be run using Something Strange, and the characters can all be unique (not to mention adding a twist to the default "Modern Horror" premise).

All in all, this is a welcome addition to the Genesys system!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Something Strange: Genesys Modern Horror Setting
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