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5th Edition Team Deathmatch
Publisher: DDE Adventures
by Rory P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/04/2022 00:02:30

I've used these rules to run a few different deathmatch tournaments and it's been a ton of fun every time.

I enjoyed the creativity of the various arenas. I just wish the provided maps were as high quality as the level design. As is, they leave a lot to be desired.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
5th Edition Team Deathmatch
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Izirion's Enchiridion of the West Marches
Publisher: The Goat's Head
by Rory P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/03/2022 23:53:15

This is such a fantastic book! I got hooked listening to Brandes and Sam talk about it on the Edition Wars podcast. I love what it adds to the exploration pillar of play. I love that it actually offers decent guidance for giving non-combat XP in a way that isn't just "whatever feels good". I love the additional rules about resting in the wilderness and gear. I love the guidance it offers on building lore and using indexical storytelling to communicate that lore.

It's a beautiful and beautifully written book. I got the print-on-demand hardcover and it is worth every penny.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Izirion's Enchiridion of the West Marches
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