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Dunwood - Demons, Druids, & Danger $14.95
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Dunwood - Demons, Druids, & Danger
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Dunwood - Demons, Druids, & Danger
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Curse o. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/29/2020 14:05:20

Dunwood Demons, Druids & Danger from Joe Raso (@_Joe_Raso)

I’m constantly blown away by the vision and quality of works on the DM’s Guild, but this is something else! Raso and their phenomenal team have created a marvel that transcends official and unofficial supplements, elevating the quality of game by simply existing.


The Introduction provides a great overview of the lands of Dunwood, the demon-infested forest, including the history and groups currently active in the region, from the Druid Circle of Leth, Grand Council of Impiltur and Knights of the Triad to the demon-worshipping cultists of the Fellowship of Thoras, the various goblinoid tribes of the Giantspires and the mysterious Crow Witch, through the Elagieros Elves and the Nar human descendants of the ancient empire of Narfell. This snapshot of the area, history and the neighbouring regions of Impiltur, Damara, Narfell and Ashanth, are everything you need to get a handle on this immensely fascinating region, laying the foundation for everything to come. This was my introduction to this storied section of the Forgotten Realms and made me feel orientated and confident going forward, so have no fears if this darkened woods and its surrounds are new to you too, we’re in good hands.

Demonlords and Dunwood.

“For centuries, powerful demon lords have affected the course of events within these woods” – Eltab, Lord of the Hidden Layer stuck stewing on his machinations and building an army in a demon cyst below the ground, Fraz-Urb’luu, Prince of Lies and possible cause of the fall of the Narfell empire, Graz’zt, the Dark Prince with a hand (and who knows what else) in centuries of the Narfell empire, Lolth, Queen of the Demonweb Puts and the Dark Elves of Narathmault, before the “Fall of the Drow” sent them underground, and Orcus, Prince of Undeath, who had the Nar construct Dun-Tharos in his name, beginning the Narfell dynasty.

Each Demonlord is presented with background, including history and current involvement in the area, as well as advice for using them in your Dunwood adventures, with references to adventures and NPCs included in the supplement where relevant.

An Excerpt from The Grand History of the Realms by Brian R. James and Ed Greenwood is included depicting the history Narfell Empire and just how direct the influences of the demon Lords truly were.

Chapter 1 – the Great Road

“Running the length of the Great Dale, this merchant road is never far from the branches of Dunwood.”

The locations along the road that runs parallel to the Dunwood, from Uthmere to Kront and the Great Barrow are detailed with an overview, including type, population, makeup, government, defence, commerce and organizations.

Encounters on the Great Road A table of folx you might meet on the in a flavourful table d12 denizens, including monks on a pilgrimage from the Monastery of the Yellow Rose and cultists of the Fellowship of Thoras.

Threats of the Great Road Along with references to tables in existing publications Fort the appropriate terrain, a d100 table of random threats specific to the area is provided.

Beast of Bezentil By Zeke Gonzalez (@FantasyEcology)

“The legacy of the Rotting Man threatens the village of Bezentil” in this tier 2 encounter designed for five 5th-6th level characters.

A child is lost in a haunted ruin that holds a remnant of the Rotting Man’s taint in the form of a spectral blightlord and their horrific effects on the flora and fauna.

This is a fantastically flavoured adventure with various hooks and seeds with potential to be a simple sidequest or the bittersweet beginning of something much more insidious.

I’ve been very excited about the unholy, blighted form I can’t help but see as a warped version of What-A-Mess, artwork from Paul Paloma since it was teased a while back, and the haunting art from Daniel Comerci and brilliant battlemap from Chad Lensch are something else!

The Lost Druid by Andrew Bishkinskyi (@jaysNdragons)

“Thralls of a demonic power look to infect the land, turning all they encounter into their servants” in this Tier 2 adventure designed for five 5th- to 10th-level characters.

The party come upon Wychlaran Feldarra, a Rashemi witch, as she battles Red Wizards of Thay, and quickly become e. Broiled in the conflict with the Red Wizards being intent on leaving “no witnesses”. This combat encounter comes with a great deal of balancing advice and helpful DM tips.

Feldarra requests the party’s aid to check on her druid friend Ivellos, travelling to his home in the Dunwood and searching to his whereabouts. Clues lead them to druid who is in need of serious help against a Scion of the Queen Abiding and their corrupted beasties that come with a very easy to implement template for the Queen Abiding’s abyss-tainted creature.

This is a great adventure introducing the Queen Abiding and her influence with space to expand it with encounters to fit your ongoing narrative due to the distance travelled, although this isn’t necessary.

Terrifying artwork of a black-eyed Scion of the Queen Abiding by Paul Paloma and another stunning Lensch battlemap.

Toxins and Tinctures by Karl Resch (@ArtificerAlf)

“A talonite grows in strength as she distributes her tainted teas to the unsuspecting” in this Tier 2 encounters designed for five 7th-level characters.

Presented as a series of encounters that cover a number of DM and party approaches that come together as a mini campaign, this adventure does something that so many quality tales in D&D do – take existing concepts, melding and morphing them beyond their RAW presentation.

Centring on Korva, a disciple of Talona and Spores Druid with a penchant for poisoned tisanes and tainted teas and steeping these in the surrounding settlements...and then sending their unique bone and fauna zombies, dregs, to bring the victims to her Cathedral of Rot to ultimately become her own tainted wood woads. This makes a very clear case for flavourful modifications and how they can enrich lore and inspire awesome adventures!

Chapter 2 – Forest Blood Dale

“The once-abandoned dale that surrounds the Forest Blood River is now a hub of activity. The influx of settlers must contend with the dangers of waiting within.”

From the Dismal ruins to Fort Charity, Forest Blood Dale has had a tumultuous history and, while the demonic activity that left so much of the area deserted has lessened and people are returning, life here is not a walk in the park.

A table of d12 Denizens of Forest Blood Dale encounters has flavourful fare from locals and settlers at loggerheads to cultists on the back from a night out, hag agents looking for abled bodies and drunken druids on giant elks.

This is followed by the d100 table of locally sourced threats.

Fort Charity by Chad Lensch (@ddsDnD)

“An enemy within endangers an Order of the Triad outpost” in a Tier 1 encounter designed for a party of four characters of 1st level, which will bring them to 4th level.

A wealth of information on Fort Charity and the Triad are included in the adventure, including a Fort Charity Mini-Gazetteer with annotated map of the keep with notable locations and all manner of NPCs in and related to the settlement.

This three-part adventure sees the party come to the aid of the Triad’s Fort Charity, beset by a blight of cultists. Investigating these cultists reveals their camp around an awakened tree, Elmshadow, who directs the cult murmured proclamations in Abyssal. The Muttering Tree Cult and their eponymous leader defeated, a high-ranking leader of Fort Charity is fiendish plant of the...fiendish plant.

This is a fantastically written and rich adventure, which serves as a great campaign starter or the skeletal structure to a full campaign with milestones included.

Veluuthra Reclamation by Jean Lorber (@jlorber4)

“Some within Forest Blood Dale wish to expunge civilization’s taint” in a Tier 2 encounter designed for five 5th-level characters.

The Eldreth Veluuthra, a militant elven faction who oppose humanity on Faerûn, have committed an atrocious act, killing innocents and tainting the land with foul ritual. Druids of the Circle of Leth have come upon the extremists and their taint who are determined to leave no witnesses. It’s up to the party to uncover the truth in this dark and dangerous adventure.

The Dismal by Jeff C. Stevens (@Jcorvinstevens)

“An ancient evil relic threatens all who visit an abandoned village” in a Tier 2 adventure designed for five 5th-level characters.

Arriving in the ruins of Dismal, the party find a place drained of flavour and life – a tainted place that will grow stronger, even as they become weaker, as something forgotten and profane leeches life and waits to unleash unspeakable evil. They must find clues to the source of this draining demonic force and battle the foul creatures it manifests.

This is a whole ruined village to explore with bags of lore and backstory, haunting aid and harrowing realisations, as well as being an adventure that can be an aside, lay groundwork for a larger story or simply end with a significant ‘what now?’, which is always fun for everyone at the table to work on. I adore the way relevant, thoughtful lore is woven into the area and adventure.

Chapter 3 – The Depths of Dunwood

“...Savage evil still clings to the dark recesses of this forest. Places of safety and respite are rare and treasured, and mostly known as fabled locations few have found. The wise and prudent stay out of Dunwood’s depths—only the brave or foolish risk venturing beyond the outer boughs of the wood.”

This is a dark and dangerous region, from Clymph Tower and much storied Dun-Tharos where demons climb from the Abyss and roam with impunity to the Darahk Hills where a dragon has made their home and Denderdale, home of the mysterious Crow Witch, nowhere is safe.

A d8 table of Denizens of Deep Dunwood encounters, Including the possibility of teaming up with an awakened dire wolf, a sole survivor who is oni joking, and elves and treants with understandable trust issues with humanoids.

A terrifying table of d100 localised threats reinforces just how dangerous this area is.

The Armanite Lance by Shawn Merwin

“The new leader of a band of Nar seeks to recover a weapon of power from a lost demonic temple” in an adventure designed for 5 characters of 5th level.

Battle demon boars in the wreck of a timber camp, make find an unlikely ally in a murder at a price, battle barlgura and maws in a booby-trapped body on and bridge, and take the fight to cult leader in a crumbling temple to ensure a demon-bound weapon is kept out of the wrong hands.

Revenant by Steve Fidler (@VorpalDicePress)

“The grip of demonic corruption taints the spirit of someone who once watched over the land” in a Tier 2 encounter designed for five 5th-level characters.

Battle waves of interestingly generated demonically-twisted creatures up and down the great oak that makes up the druid dwelling of Nighthawk Tower, while searching for clues to this fiendish parade, and battle the blighted revenant of the previous druid to allow them and everyone else some much needed peace.

Gorgeous maps of the various levels of the tree from Lensch.

The Flesh Webs of Sinew Forest by Emily & David Harmon (@emilyjeaharmon & @dharmon202)

CW: Gore/ Body Horror

“An ancient druid remains trapped in a battle of wills with a powerful demon” Tier 3 adventure designed for five 14th-level characters.

First of all, congratulations on the most disturbing adventure title ever! Also, the art of the firbolg-nabassu hybrid with Eldath’s Light by Mircea is truly breathtakingly gorgeous and the epitome of creepy cool.

Travelling to the deepest, most remote part of the Dunwood the party must overcome the almost impossibly tacky flesh webs that pose a serious challenge just getting in and travelling through them, face giant gooey spiderdemons with the chance of befriending a spider-man, before facing a gloriously epic boss with a duality for rich and amusing roleplay and a serious combat double threat (plus evil ghosties). Can the heroes save the day and bind the demon in the magical gem, Eldath’s Light, and save the ancient druid or will they be flies trapped in Xarhalia’s sinewy webs?

This is an incredibly icky (ichory?) and dark adventure with some of the most unsettling descriptions and imagery, as well as a heart-breaking backstory. I don’t think I’ve encountered such a disturbing and shudder-inducing setting and BBEF reveal before, which is impressive.

Chapter 4 – Threats and Personalities

“Dunwood is a vast and ancient forest. Hidden beneath its boughs are countless threats and personalities to test adventurers exploring the eastern Realms.”

The Goblinoids of Kagiskz by R P Davis (@KabouterRPG)

This fascinating account of the Kagiskz goblinoids and their exploits includes a Spellscarred Template that can be applied to any goblinoid for added local flavour, adding wild fiery danger and the chance to wrinkle even the Most astute lore buff’s brow at the mention of contemporary Spellscarred.

Larnaeril Darakh, “the Fiendwitch” by Joe Raso (@_Joe_Raso)

This undead mother, not mummy though entombed by her son, is back with a vengeance, Orcus’ blessing and an army of living and dead Creel to do her bidding.

Ptur’rk by Joe Raso (@_Joe_Raso)

This demon searches for their master Eltab, bending goblindom to their sway and siring hordes of half-demon goblinoids in the process. A half-fiend goblinoid template and a half-fiend statblock are included, along with the Ptur’rk’s.

Scions of the Queen Abiding by Andrew Bishkinskyi (@jaysNdragons)

The Queen Abiding is a mystery wrapped in an enigma, but their warped scions are of one purpose, “to corrupt others and to bring to the Queen any who are powerful enough to become Scions.” A complete descriptive and mechanical template is provided.

Vultomendaxius by Joe Raso (@_Joe_Raso)

‘Big V’, as he is affectionately known by me, is a copper dragon under the corrupting influence of the insidious demon lord Fraz-Urb’luu through a cursed legendary amulet the dragon wears. The effect of this corruption is that Big V lures good heroes to his challenge to find the ‘worthy’ to battle an abyssal cataclysm they believe is on the horizon, only to end up murderising them


Monsters from the Great Dale includes 12 stat blocks for creatures originally published in the Great Dale Campaign Guide that fit the Dunwood, including humanoids, fiend, giant, plant and undead with some sharing types.

The appendix also includes details on the whole project team.

This is a truly spectacular and infinitely fascinating supplement about the demon-infested Dunwood and the surrounding areas on the Great Road, which does the heavy-lifting of what could have been a number of different supplements, but work so spectacularly together to provide detailed information and lore, area specific encounters, many adventures with rich roots to grow into ongoing games and exploration of this dark and twisted area, along with a who’s who of the threats and personalities with more detail on groups, NPCs and statblocks. Demon Lords and the cults that serve them stalk the woods, while elves, humans and goblinoids try to carve out their lives in their shadow, and druids and knights strive to combat the darkness. Colourful lore breathes life into their tales, while quality adventures give you a direct in to the action, and encounters, factions, personalities and unique statblocks are absolutely everything you could possibly want to make this weird, wonderful place breathe. The gorgeous and gruesome artwork and cartography raise the already breath-taking quality of this supplement beyond the material plane.

Breathtakingly beautiful and twisted cover by Nicula Mircea depicting “an amalgamation of an ancient firbolg druid and a nabassu demon hold an enchanted gem as they struggle for control. This is the final challenge facing adventures in Emily and David Harmon’s adventure “The Flesh Webs of Sinew Forest”” This is the crowning jewel of this aesthetic masterpiece, which has a glorious layout, spectacular original art and great use of stock art, as well as stunning cartography. It’s seriously impressive to see so many artists coming together under Raso’s wonderful direction.

I also have to say that I love that each piece being credited for easy reference, counter to the general WOTC practice of making it seemingly impossible to determine specific interior artists.

I’m constantly blown away by the vision and quality of works on the DM’s Guild, but this is something else! Raso and their phenomenal team have created a marvel that transcends official and unofficial supplements, elevating the quality of game by simply existing.

Credits Lead Designer: Joe Raso (@_Joe_Raso) Designers: Andrew Bishkinsky, Emily & David Harmon, Jean Lorber, Jeff Stevens, Karl Resch, R P Davis, Shawn Merwin, Steve Fidler, Zeke Gonzalez Editors: Christopher Walz, Alan Tucker Layout: Anna Urbanek Art Direction: Joe Raso Cartography: Chad Lensch, Dyson Logos, Jean Lorber, Joe Raso Cover Art: Nicula Mircea Interior Art: Blake Davis, Christine Cain, Daniel Comerci, Daniel F. Walthall, Dean Spencer, Earl Geier, Eric Lofgren, Fez Inkwright, Gary Dupuis, Henriette Boldt, Jacob E. Blackmon, Jeremy Mohler, John Latta, Leonardo Lambrecht, Louis Porter Jr., Maciej Zagorski, Matt Morrow, Matthew Richmond, Nastya Lehn, Nicula Mircea, Paul Paloma, Penny Mayes, Petar Penev, Rick Hershey, The Forge Studios, William McAusland, Adobe Stock (chainat, Daniel, denzorr, grandfailure, Maclej), DMs Guild Creator Resources (courtesy of Wizards of the Coast), Wikimedia, Pixabay (openclipart-vectors, TheDigitalArtist-PeteLinforth)

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