Quote from the author:
"it was a world of many profound mysteries. It was a world whose inhabitants, both the educated and rational as well as the poor and superstitious, fervently believed in magic and saw the world around them as being heavily under magical influences, for better and worse."
Codex Superno seeks (and succeeds) to give gamers and casual readers alike, a glimpse into a world where the lines between seen and unseen, known and unknown, corporeal and ethereal, are not just blurred, but coexist in their supremacy.
As a game supplement (Built upon the common SRD) this book offers a fantastic resource for those seeking to add more realism to their late medieval fantasy world, and provides clear guidelines on how to integrate a magic system into a real world (or low to no magic) late medieval setting. Providing not only well researched context, spells and cantrips, but a very important infrastructure based on belief. i.e if one type of magic exists, then it all must exist.
After a thorough read through I found the new rules provided, easy to follow, and more importantly made sense from a real world integration standpoint. I also enjoyed the tweaks (albeit slight) to the SRD spell set. The additional spell set was also well researched and a fun read on its own, with plenty of context and historical details to really flesh out a game setting. Superno really shines here in the way it makes Magic (or rather harnessing mystical forces) a tricky, arduous and sometimes very dangerous business, both supernaturally and legally. The introduction of a "Magic and the Law'' system and the "state of sin” foil I found particularly intriguing and well thought out.
Roll players interested in history will certainly find a feast here, and from the looks of it a very fun and engrossing way to reimagine something often glossed over in a normal fantasy setting.
For the Casual reader, Codex Superno bridges a gap that is often overlooked as well. In a world where rational thought, and scientific processes are simply the way we explain things to ourselves nowadays, Superno lets you peek back to a time when Superstition, Magic, Science and Faith, were intertwined and were simultaneously used to explain and solve the problems that real people faced in their real lives. This is done in a way that isn't dry and laborious, like a research paper would be, but with great care to make it fun and interactive.
In short this book is a Fantastic resource for anyone interested in history, the occult, magic and the law and of course roll players of all types.