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250 Best Magic Items for Barbarians, Druids, and Rangers
Publisher: MageGate Games
by TheGamer D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/18/2022 21:47:59

I'm a sucker for good homebrew content, especially guidelines for making magic items for my party. These and the other 4 books in this series lay out these guide lines pretty damn well and have started using the systems within. The exhaustion rules change are nice and far less Player Hostile than the core Exhaustion rules and the plethora of magic items to put into treasure tables. Not everything needs to be a +1 weapon, but these all have their practical uses that I can see any player use. Plus one of the items is a marble called Shenanigans. 6/5 Stars.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
250 Best Magic Items for Barbarians, Druids, and Rangers
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Death is Only the Beginning? - Level 3 Mini Adventure
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by TheGamer D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/10/2021 14:46:27

A short, fun adventure where the party must escape using sudden changes in skills, abilities and stats. Took my two players (And a NPC Skeleton I had) about 3 hours to play through. Worth more than the .99 cents the game suggests!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Death is Only the Beginning? - Level 3 Mini Adventure
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Thank you! :-D We're glad you enjoyed the adventure!
A Night of Fright!
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jesse W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/29/2020 01:07:08

A solid adventure that was a hell of a lot of fun to run for a group of friends. Was very beginning friendly as well!

For the Players: The abilities you gain for each of the characters are unique and the new class archtypes that are within the adventure are really great and unique. Whole hearted would suggest bringing them to your DM and seeing about being able to run a character based off them. For those that maybe wanna remove the final human element that is Sha-Gi, the human monk, from the party, maybe see if the DM is cool with making him into a Firbolg instead.

For the DMs: I would suggest though that if you're going to run this adventure, if you get to climactic final fight, perhaps make the final encounter immune to being stunned or maybe give him some minor Legendary Actions/Legendary Save. My party's Sha-gi ran right up to him and Stunning Fist him 3 rounds in a row, making it so Vell'mah could just riddle him with all the crossbow bolts.

Overall, this was a great 6 hours well spent with a lot of great and funny moments. The Fear mechanics are great and make it possible to have the adventure run without always having to rely on the players remain in the characters that they're clearly based on.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
A Night of Fright!
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