I wanted to like this. I really, really did. It has the characters playing undead - what a fun twist! It had a jailbreak setup - my favourite trope! This should have been great, but it's just not.
1) The Dungeon
Criminally linear, and the way it's laid out the party can literally skip almost half the rooms with pretty much no repercussions. The players wake up, walk to the boss room, and leave. THat's it, that's the whole adventure. This could have so easily been solved with just a more complex dungeon layout and a few extra obstacles.
2) The jailbreak
The players start chained to a wall, oh no! But whoever's playing the ghost can pass through walls and free them so... it may as well not even be a factor. The players don't have to figure anything out, so they don't feel accomplished for escaping. A very anticlimactic start.
In terms of escape, their primary obstacle is a zombie. One zombie who's been nerfed. Even for level one characters this is a cakewalk.
Overall: a great concept squandered. There's a one page dungeon called a Debt for the Dead, go play that instead.