Woof! Dogfolk Races: Poodlemen by Transparent Games (@KonczakAnna) & Joe Gaylord (@LabLazarus)
This is a beautifully put together and well thought out supplement with a great concept, rich lore and wonderfully realised poodlemen people.
“The various races of dogfolk were once fey beings tasked with guarding the animals of the Material Plane. They came to admire dogs, seeing them as mortal creatures with emotions as pure as the fey themselves. So, they begged the gods of the Feywild to let them live as dogs.
The gods gave them their wish, but only in part. They were made into the dogfolk, humanoid dogs, scattered into the world as servants to the other mortal races.”
This is such a wonderful concept for the creation of the various dogfolk, and based on this first supplement I’m very excited to see more, even if the line “servants to the other mortal races” doesn’t sit particularly well with me.*
The Poodlemen set themselves apart from the other dogfolk and seem more likely to expect servants, rather than the other way around, being that “they see themselves as natural parts of the aristocracy, distinguished by their nobility and entitled to lives of luxury.” These courtly canines pursue “the gentle arts of music and philosophy and the less gentle arts of swordplay and politics”, which is a glorious image and makes me desperately to make a Noble Bard Poodlemen based on King George III of England – the Hugh Laurie from Blackadder the Third, somewhat less than the “cerebral aristocrats” they envision themselves to be.
Incredibly rich and evocative lore, which does a spectacular job of realising this dogfolk and giving them roots in D&D lore.
Their skills, attributes and proficiencies very much make them Renaissance folx, as ready to express themselves through the arts, the slash of a rapier or an even sharper wit.
I was already thoroughly enjoying this supplement, the binary of naming conventions aside*, but when I saw an ability called “Boop” that allows the Poodlemen to “gain awareness to [the] emotions” or a humanoid they touch, I truly fell in love with these very good bois, gals and non-binary pals.
This is a beautifully put together and well thought out people with an interesting origin, rich lore that gives a great deal to work with on top of an amusing and rather adorable concept and design. Truly gorgeous and adorable cover and artwork by Kam Thayne (@Kam75772216) truly capturing the Poodlemen mien!
I’m loving the layout and art design, as well as the fresh and unconventional perspective Transparent Games are bringing to the table.
*Kończak has been extremely receptive and open to my comments. I now understand the intention and explanation of the reference “servants” as something of going through a language and cultural barrier, Kończak and Gaylord are Polish and Italian, respectively, and generally have a greater grasp of the language that hails from the country I happen to find myself born in. The intention is more that these fey wish “to aid and support not serve” and the creators have discussed how to address this in future releases. With regard to the gendered names this is something they “will change in future dogfolk” releases.
Responses and openness like this from creators is truly heartening and important as the industry moves forward. I truly appreciate Kończak for being so thoughtful and candid (as well as canid) with me.
Project Lead: Anna Kończak (@KonczakAnna)
Writer: Joe Gaylord (@LabLazarus)
Editor: Matthew 'Regitnui' Booth (@Matt_Regitnui)
Art Director and Graphic Designer: Anna Kończak
Template used as basis: Nathanaël Roux (@freeners), https://barkalotdesigns.com
Cover and Interior Illustrator: Kam Thayne (@Kam75772216)
Art assets used: Muddy Paws- Dog Lover Graphics by Twigs and Twine, Unsplash: Phillip Glickman, Sigmund, Adobe Stock: princhipessa
My Affiliate Link: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/333207/Woof-Dogfolk-Races-Poodlemen?affiliate_id=1507682