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Ravenloft Character Options [BUNDLE] $54.83 $27.95
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Ravenloft Character Options [BUNDLE]
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Ravenloft Character Options [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Curse o. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/26/2020 12:24:06

Ravenloft Character Options [BUNDLE] by Jeremy Forbing (@JeremyForbing)

This is an absolutely phenomenal bundle of awesomeness at a ridiculous price!

Help out an incredible creator in this incredibly difficult and dark time, and snag yourself a staggering amount of quality content!

Just so much incredible content that truly add so much more to any Curse of Strahd, Ravenloft, Shadowfell or any Halloween, horror game or beyond!

A jaw-dropping amount of quality subclasses and a fabulous selection of new classes, as well as a look at the origins/ ancestry unique to Ravenloft and the Shadowfell.

Epic amounts of lore to help expand your knowledge of the Mists, Domains and beyond Barovia.

The Ravenloft Archetypes were the first real DMs Guild supplements I put money down on all those years ago and after buying one I bought the other moments later because the quality was so mind blowing! They are also the first things I reviewed on here, long before I became the Werebear of Hype and became a regular reviewer, again because I was compelled by the quality and awesomeness!

• Heroes of Ravenloft:

“Heroes of the Ravenloft: 13 subclasses, plus feats and other character options, all designed for the dark gothic horror of Ravenloft!”

• Alchemical Archetypes: Created & Creators:

“Alchemical Archetypes: Created & Creators provides new character options and DM tools for campaigns featuring player alchemists, constructs, and creators of artificial life, as well as new construct monster types and more for any D&D setting, including Ravenloft and the Forgotten Realms. This product also includes several new class archetypes, new spells, and new races, including the alchemically augmented half-golem, with four subraces: Click the preview to see the whole table of contents and more”

• Ravenloft Archetypes I: Nightmares of Barovia:

This is a phenomenal tome of fascinating and exciting material that I cannot wait to input into my game. There is a wealth of information in here from many archetypes to the fantastic new class, feats and spells.

If you are planning to run a game using Curse of Strahd, set in Ravenloft or any gothic and/ or horror-based game I cannot urge you more strongly to check this out, as well as the second volume.


Full Review:

• Ravenloft Archetypes II: Core Domains Adventurer’s Guide:

This is an absolutely exceptional guide with absolutely boatloads of information that has been put together with a serious amount of thought and passion.

I absolutely love Curse of Strahd and never wanted to leave the misty borders of Barovia, but with the information provided in this absolutely huge tome, I am excited to take my game all over the Domains of Dread and experiment with all the weird and wonderful things this supplement provides.


If you are running Curse of Strahd, anything Ravenloft or any kind of Gothic and/ or Horror themed game, then I implore you to check this out! The amount of archetypes, spells, feats and variant races are worth picking this up alone, whatever you are playing. I’m going to be running a game set in the M:tg plane of Innistrad and I found myself restricting certain classes and races for the setting, and this has given me so much more to offer my players when we get to our session 0.


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My Affiliate Link for the Ravenloft Character Options [BUNDLE]:

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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