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Dancing with Bullets Under a Neon Sun $10.00
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Dancing with Bullets Under a Neon Sun
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Dancing with Bullets Under a Neon Sun
Publisher: Apollyon Press
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/23/2021 18:05:25

Today I soloed my way through Dancing With Bullets Under a Neon Sun. It is for a Game Master and several players. It is a weird cyberpunk game powered by The Black Hack. To play this, all you need is this RPG, a variety of dice, and some RPG experience. It assumes you already know what you are doing. It has 72 pages which include one map, 8 types of armor, 12 weapons, 6 classes, 34 gear items, and a “I search the body chart” (100 items). So, the device hacking and navigating the Net with your soul is fascinating. I did not want my characters to be stuck in one city, so I decided to solo an adventure. I used a solo engine that I have been testing out. I used five of the six characters classes for five of my characters and I added a psychic. The adventure I used was Sensations of Bliss, an ESPER GENESIS™ adventure. My characters did the mission for cash and were able to visit a remote trade outpost and a spaceship/city. It had a good variety of skill tests and combat. When they searched the dead body of Merrick, my contractor found an expensive wristwatch. All six of my characters survived. Give this interesting system a try!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Dancing with Bullets Under a Neon Sun
Publisher: Apollyon Press
by Brian S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/28/2020 08:11:22

System: Modified Black Hack Contents: 72 pages, roughly 60% Rules and Advice, 40% Random Tables Art: Troika meets Cyberpunk (wimsical dream logic doodles, Mobius-inspired techno detail, garish colors, isometic wireframe maps)

Weird Cyberpunk action awaits in DWBUANS. Emphasis on the weird, a bizzare retrofuture lovingly filled with genre cleches and tropes. Lots of great random tables for ideas for adventures, antagonists, locations, vendors and the like.

Some interesting modifications to base Black Hack rules make it its own beast. I just wish there was tighter explanations for certain rules (how to stat NPCs, how leveling works, are players meant to start without weapons they don't purchase, etc). A sentence or two here and there could fix this without the need for a radical rewrite. Its easy enough for a GM to make a snap judgemnt call or lean on other Black Hack game knoweldge and keep the game going, just feels like a few more eyes in playtesting would have helped.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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