This book should be in every DM & player's toolbox. It's chock full of useful ideas and tables that you can bring to the table, and easy to follow rules to, as the title says, DM yourself. I appreciated that the intro asked a very important question up front, "WHY DM yourself?" This is a social game after all, better to be played with friends. For me personally, I'm either A) Always the DM and never just a PC or B) I'm at a point in my life where work, family, pets, etc. keep me so busy it's literally impossible to commit 4 hours on a regular basis.
That's why I DM myself. I enjoy writing as well, so I'm often immersing myself in the scenes and trying to really see it from my characters perspective and live each moment of their lives. This book has a lot of easy to use mechanics that REALLY improved my experience. Choosing default behaviors, for one, really made me think harder about my PCs/protagonists and how they would generally react. How to skim an adventure to get the gist and avoid spoilers was another, allowing me to write a scene and not bias PC action because I know exactly what's coming.
Buy this book. You'll be very happy you did.