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Hard S.F. Worldbuilding Cookbook #1: Moons of Gas Giants Pay What You Want
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Hard S.F. Worldbuilding Cookbook #1: Moons of Gas Giants
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Hard S.F. Worldbuilding Cookbook #1: Moons of Gas Giants
Publisher: John Freeman
by Wes H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/28/2021 18:29:06

Extremely informative, and organized for maximum usability. This document has everything from tables of radiation exposure, to world tropes, to resources and hazards of ring systems, and even a page on the visual size of a gas giant in the sky depending on its distance from your characters--something I've actually tried to work out with pencil and paper before, dredging up high school math from the depths of my mind.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Hard S.F. Worldbuilding Cookbook #1: Moons of Gas Giants
Publisher: John Freeman
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/22/2020 21:00:15

This book is great value for money. So many ideas. So much information. I highly recommend this for anyone interested in a gas giant setting for their game or book, or anyone interested in gas giants. I look forward to more books from Dr Freeman.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Hard S.F. Worldbuilding Cookbook #1: Moons of Gas Giants
Publisher: John Freeman
by Neil L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/22/2020 08:01:21

If you really want to bring Gas Giants alive in your games (and not just as a place to refuel a ship) then this gives you lots of useful ideas. There's a bit of maths if you want to calculate things yourself, but it's not necessary to make use of the product. I liked the table of damage caused by running into micro-meteorites of different sizes and speeds. How may other products give you hard data on the amount of radiation you can take? Perhaps there's something valuable on a moon, but it's in the radiation belt. It's going to cook electronics and defeat your protective suit in 2 hours. How are your players going to get to it? There is some nice colour artwork, and some black and white art that I thought didn't really add to the product, but did break up pages of text. This is not a scenario, but it gives you a lot of ideas to help you make one yourself. Worth paying for.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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