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Crossing Guard
Publisher: Chaosium
by Saxon [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/16/2024 21:22:40

The Crossing Guard was a fun adventure to read and run as a keeper as it has multiple paths and options. In this module your players will meet a figure that brings forth images of a Charon like entity and decide whether to help it or attempt to destroy it. The NPCs of this module are well written and the mechanics Jade Griffin adds to the module makes this really unique. The handouts are absolutely beautiful as well. This adventure is definitely worth a try.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Crossing Guard
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Sorrow in Tsavo
Publisher: Chaosium
by Saxon [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/14/2024 16:32:44

If you loved the movie The Ghost and The Darkness with Val Kilmer and Michael Douglas and you love the cosmic horror genre you will absolutely love Sorrow in Tsavo.

This module is made with obvious love and care to detail. Especially regarding the people and cultures that worked on the Uganda-Mombassa Railway. The NPCs and Pre-Gens give life to the game, and you are almost immediately thrown into the action.

Based on a true story but obviously exaggerated and filled with Lovecraftian elements, this module will put you in the position of those responsible for the livlihood and wellbeing of laborers as well as the building of a bridge. However, two lions called the Ghost and the Darkness by the workers keep coming at night to hunt. Only you can save the workers and complete this bridge for the British Empire.

How will you do it? Will you survive?

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Sorrow in Tsavo
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