My Short Sweet Review of Matthew Whitby’s (@whtibyWrites) Waterdeep Items & Encounters
> Welcome to Waterdeep: Items & Encounters, a collection of 45 encounters with unique magic items attached set in the city of splendor, Waterdeep.
> This encounter supplement for adventuring around Waterdeep is perfect during any Waterdeep: Dragon Heist campaign or as a prelude to Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage!
These 45 encounters are designed for characters of 1st to 5th level! Whitby writes with an obvious passion for the City of Splendour and a finely honed knowledge of D&D with a quirky perspective that allows him to create an impressive range of silly, sweet, serious and insightful encounters, as well as magic items that feel so obviously useful and perfectly natural in the Forgotten Realms. These talents continue to make his work read as canonical and essential for anyone playing in Waterdeep, or any city of your choice.
Laid out in nine separate chapters for each of Waterdeep wards for ease of reference, this is a masterwork of encounters and items surely to enhance any visit to the City of Splendours, acting adding so much to bring each ward to life with their own organic feel. Whether used in preparation for inspiration and adding characters, moments and goodies, or on the fly to add some extra excitement or diversion, this is one of those supplements you really can’t be without. Truly evergreen and eternally useful.
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I recently reviewed Matthew Whitby (@whtibyWrites) and Ginny Loveday (@GinnyLoveDay) spectacular and incredibly original Waterdeep Adventure, Tyche’s Torment, which draws on fascinating old lore to create something new and explosive!
I had the absolute pleasure of playing in a game and cannot wait to get to give the in depth review treatment it deserves of Whitby’s magnificent and inspired Waterdeep murder mystery, Volo’s Guide to Getting Murdered, which has variety and replayability built in with different murderers and elements based on the seasons!
For those of you exploring Baldur’s Gate or want more goodies to populate your, perhaps less upstanding, or at least with a starker contrast between classes and the variety of dirty jobs and golden opportunities, Baldur’s Gate Items & Encounters has you covered!
Whitby’s Adventure Anniversary [BUNDLE] is a truly impressive collection absolutely chocked full of awesomeness that will keep your game going for a long while in style!