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Bigby's Handbook of Creative Spell Use $14.95
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Bigby\'s Handbook of Creative Spell Use
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Bigby's Handbook of Creative Spell Use
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Adam B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/05/2020 06:21:06

I've always struggled with magic users because something about prescriptive spells makes something that is supposed to be limitless still feel limited to me. But this book has made me feel like there are so many more creative options to how I apporach my spell use.

So you better believe I'm basing my next character on some choice spells from this glorious tome of genius.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Bigby's Handbook of Creative Spell Use
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Curse o. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/01/2020 08:57:18

Justyn Johnston (@dnd_JJ) & Phil Beckwith’s (@PBPublishing) Bigby’s Tome of Creative Spell Use

This is over 70 pages of magical marvels and mechanical magnificence that magnify the multitude of manoeuvres multiplying their magnitude and moreover making you the master of masses of mega manhandling of mana to mesmerise, magnetise, mystify and massacre!

A truly original idea is a rare thing to find, so a whole supplement that both is one and then is absolutely full of this is positively mind blowing! I’ve never come across such original takes on the use and combination of magic and abilities for a wide variety of spectacular results. These results range from the surprising and strange to the powerful and shocking through insightful and inspired. This isn’t a glorified min-maxing thread, though some of these techniques will appeal to the more munchkin or power gamer, but so many more speak to the creative, cool and genuinely fascinating weavings of the weave.

The bulk of the supplement is Bigby’s Brilliant Spell Techniques, which does exactly what is says on the tin and is the handy heroes’ historic hymns to magical machinations as described above with an easy to comprehend layout that lays out all the elements and stages to achieve the special spell effects. There are some thoughtful and detailed combinations here, but the formula for how they are enacted are clear and relatively simple to follow, each with their pithy, punny and on point monikers for each technique from Artful Dodger and Chestnuts Roasting, through Mazed and Confused and My Pet Elemental, to Trojan Horse and Unseen Mule.

The last few techniques come from Bigby’s Laboratory of Latent Wonders where things get a bit more strange, esoteric and need a bit more DM, “whereas others are just too obscure in their interpretation to be easily explained by RAW. Others still, have meanings that could be interpreted in one of a multitude of ways.” These include my very favourite name and technique of the whole supplement, “T-Rexcellent Pixies”, which details how to have you and your friends to become bigger, scarier and have more teeth, essentially on tap!

I’ve truly never seen anything like this and cannot wait to get the chance to try out each and every one of these wonders, as well as being intrigued to see what antics these shall inspire and what new techniques will be divined going forward!

Project Lead: Justyn Johnston (@dnd_JJ) & Phil Beckwith’s (@PBPublishing) Writing: Justyn Johnston, Phil Beckwith, Micah Watt, Haggard Clint, Deanna Adams, Joshua Boys Editing: Justyn Johnston Cover and Page Background Art: Dante Cifaldi Layout Design: Andrew Chirgwin Artwork: Dean Spencer, Brett Neufeld

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[5 of 5 Stars!]
Bigby's Handbook of Creative Spell Use
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Gavin S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/30/2020 21:14:34

Some really great spell combos! Going to have a lot of fun playing around with these. Highly recommend this one!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Bigby's Handbook of Creative Spell Use
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Daniel B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/30/2020 21:07:58

This is such a fun book that puts together some underused spells and make them extremely powerful. It is well written and easy to read and understand....even for a noob like me. ;)

I can't wait to give some of these a go in future games. Please, please, please guys don't publish a Bigby's DM guide to counter these. :D

Kudos to all the writers.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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