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Dauntless: The Heroic Adventure Zine

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Dauntless: The Heroic Adventure Zine
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Dauntless: The Heroic Adventure Zine
Publisher: Attention Span Labs
by Judd G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/23/2021 21:15:16

Dauntless is a 'Zine about horror, the occult, and superheroes. Inspired by public domain pulps, horror stories, and Silver Age comics, it maintains a heroic and positive disposition to the subject throughout.

Inside, the reader will find a meaty combo of essays, articles, fiction, and systemless game ideas all centering around dark doings by sinister supernatural forces. While the articles and fiction are set withing the authors' shared universe, The Ascention Epoch, it is never hard to take the material and move it over to your own table's setting.

The articles are interwoven with each other as well. An NPC in one article will have suggestions for how they might tie into aspects of another, making the whole thing either a menu of stand-alone ideas or a setting book, as suits your needs.

The product description brwaks down the articles very well, and I have been able to find ways to apply the contents to games such as period horror, superheroic modern days, or gritty, occult detective horror.

The 'zine features wonderful art by Shell Presto, one of the author team, as well as Kim Holm, who's dark watercolor style aids in setting a dark mood in sections about the villains. The fiction and game material is by Shell Presto and Mike Debaggio.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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