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DDAL00-13 Knuckleheads & Other Such Curiosities: A Travelers’ Guide to Icewind Dale $14.99
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DDAL00-13 Knuckleheads & Other Such Curiosities: A Travelers’ Guide to Icewind Dale
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DDAL00-13 Knuckleheads & Other Such Curiosities: A Travelers’ Guide to Icewind Dale
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Micah T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/13/2022 15:23:36

I purchased the hardcover and have been using it for over a year now. I really like this supplement. It's easy to read and use, has great art throughout, and balances well with default options. Having said that, I cannot rate this five stars since each of those points have caviates.

Easy to read and use: The sections are laid out in a logical way that make flipping through the book easy whether it's your first time reading it or you just need to review a rule. There are some editing errors sprinkled in though and there's no good way to separate player and DM sections. If the PDF also came in two parts, that would make using the book at the table much easier. There's no real way to do that with the physical book.

Great art: This is 100% true. Unfortunately, most of the art comes from Rime of the Frostmaiden and does include some spoilers so keep that in mind if you let your players read it.

Balances well with default options: I feel comfortable when comparing these subclasses and spells against those of the PHB. There's nothing here that will break generic game balance. Having said that, there are quite a few things that can trivialize Rime of the Frostmaiden hazards and encounters. There's also a subclass that just tonally does not make sense. The campaign makes it clear that chardalyn is no good, very bad. Having a barbarian powered by chardalyn or spells that create it just doesn't match. The adventures included in the book also don't line up super will with the plot presented in Rime. It's not that they don't work, but they would really need to be undertaken by different characters than those used for the campaign for the timeline to match the level requirements.

All-in-all, I enjoy this book but feel the need to moderate the content a bit in play for the campaign it's designed to accompany. I'd probably implement it wholecloth with a homebrew plot.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL00-13 Knuckleheads & Other Such Curiosities: A Travelers’ Guide to Icewind Dale
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jay R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/13/2022 15:14:25

This book deserves 5 stars. It may be nit-picky, but like many other AL titles, it suffers from poor editing and proofreading. The word "arctic" is misspelled as "artic" in several places, which just seems extremely bad for a title about that very topic! The content itself is very good. I haven't used any of the sub-classes, but like all additional sub-classes, some seem overpowered and others underpowered. But, without actually playing them or DMing for them, I can't say that for sure. The Cold Spell in Frostfell adventure for the Eberron Oracle of War campaign seems like an odd choice for a book about Icewind Dale, but it is one of the highlights of this volume. This is a must-have if you are running the Oracle of War campaign. Definitely pick this up in the printed hardcover version.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL00-13 Knuckleheads & Other Such Curiosities: A Travelers’ Guide to Icewind Dale
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Triden G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/16/2021 02:45:38

This book is amazing and I strongly recommend the printed version. The extra rules for wilderness hazards & random encounters were hugely helpful to flesh out my campaign on-the-fly, and my players loved the extra backgrounds and fancy herbalism rules. It adds so much content to any Icewind Dale campaign I can't imagine running Rime of the Frostmaiden without it. Having the printed version was even better because I could quickly reference encounters and hazards at a second's notice. 100% recommended.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL00-13 Knuckleheads & Other Such Curiosities: A Travelers’ Guide to Icewind Dale
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Christopher B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/10/2020 06:55:45

I purchased the hardcover, and I love it. Excellent artwork that pops in print. Great Job, absolutely love it. I highly recommend you purchase this book in Print format so you can carry it with you to DDAL sessions in case the DM does not have access to it, but honestly, you will want it for the artwork alone. Far and away the best DDAL Printable to date.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL00-13 Knuckleheads & Other Such Curiosities: A Travelers’ Guide to Icewind Dale
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Bruce W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/16/2020 15:24:58

This is a great addition to any artic campaign, the new Icewind Dale hardcover adventure, Season 10 of Adventurers League, or the Oracle of War storyline in Eberron! The encounter tables alone are worth the price for the PDF, plus they are split between In Town and Wilderness encounters so if you are running the Icewind Dale hardcover you won't accidentally TPK your low level party early on, plus those In Town encounters will still be entertaining and fun for mid and late game. The addition of two whole adventures, one for Icewind Dale and one for Eberron, both are Tier 2. The Icewind Dale one nicely connects the hardcover storyline and the module storyline or can be run separately in either. This is especially nice since, as written, the hardcover is a bit light on magic items and consumables by the module included here has several of each! The Eberron adventure lets the players explore more of the fantastic setting that is Eberron and has some interesting Legacy Events that I am curious to see how they tie in to the ongoing plot! There are also pages of DM resources. Want some random environmental hazards? Local flora and fauna that can be beneficial? Need some fun artic themed diseases/afflictions? New artic magic items and spells? New monsters and NPC's? All of that is included! A literal treasure trove of DM resources that you don't even have to fight a white dragon for! Finally, there are 10, yes 1-0, new subclasses! All are super flavourful and well balanced.

Yes the subclasses, magic items, and spells are not available in Adventurers League play without campaign documentation but EVERYTHING else is! Plus all the content would make a great addition to any home campaign.

TLDR: This document is DEFINITELY worth it to purchase!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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