Five Torches Deep is a super solid bridge game between dnd5e and the osr. i once described FTD to a a friend as a "repair patch" for the recent iteration of dnd and i think this sratements holds true. FTD takes the robust and streamlined core mechanics from 5e, but trims away the bloat, the walls of text, and infuses everything with a few gallons of OSR elements. Great game: played in a short campain and ran it several times. you can totally use FTD to run campaigns. Things i don't like so much about FTD:
- The does not seem to get more support. Have the authors abandoned it, alone in the deep woods? Why? Don't do this to us. This game deserves better.
- FTD's abstract approach of managing ressources such as arrows etc dd not chime with my groups.
i think that FTD is currently outshined by newer 5e hacks and OSR (adjacent) games such as the briliant Shadowdark RPG, but folks, do me a favor and take a look at FTD.