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The Witch: a 5e class $5.00
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The Witch: a 5e class
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The Witch: a 5e class
Publisher: HopePunk Press
by Timothy B. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 10/28/2020 15:21:07

Originally posted here:

The Witch: A 5e Compatible Class

by Brandon Elliott, Hope Punk Press

This is a 26-page pdf (cover, 2 OGL pages, 23 pages of content) for the witch class. The art is good and used well. The layout is good and very clean to read, but the background image makes printing a bit expensive. This witch is also a full 20 levels (as expected) with spellcasting to the 9th level. This witch has 1d6 for HD and can’t wear armor. These witches use Intelligence as their spellcasting ability. This witch is a ritual caster.

These witches choose a magical conduit; eight are presented here in two broad categories. Each one gains a list of bonus spells and new powers as expected of any archetype/subclass. Other conduits could easily be added to these lists.

The two broad categories, Dawn and Dusk witches have slightly different spell lists. This is a nice touch and something I have done with my various Traditions for my own witches.

There also 11 new spells for this witch so that is pretty nice.

A discussion on magic items, feats, and spells from other books to add to the witch. With the way the conduits are put together, there is infinite flexibility to this witch.

This one has quite a lot going for it as well. It takes the witch in different directions and I like it.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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