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Eyes Unclouded: An Anthology of 11 Original Adventures Inspired by Classic Japanese Animation by Bridie Dutton, Toto Joe Sullivan and many others
Format : PDF
Acquired 14 August 2020 ; paid $14.95 [launch day price ; full price $19.95]
Product released 14 August 2020 / last updated 28 August 2020
Number of pages : 180 pages
Read 16-25 August 2020
Number of stars 3 (should be 5)
I want to lead with I think this is an excellent and almost entirely well done product. If you are a fan of Studio Ghibli movies AND if you or your players are not murder hobos then this is definitely for you. The artwork, starting with the cover by Auri Cavendish, is simply stunning. As the subtitle states, there are 11 adventures, ranging from Tier 1 to 3. While there certainly is room for combat, more or less depending on the specific adventure, this is far more roleplay-based, with good room for exploration in some cases also. A few are primarily one-shots but some could be woven into ongoing campaigns. One is set in Eberron.
If you meet my two above criteria then I think you do want this collection.
Now for some criticisms:
This product has been updated twice since release. Other than in the file name there is absolutely no indication on the product which verson you are looking at. Please add a version number somewhere on the product itself. The credits page would be a great place for this.
Editing is where my big gripe lays; more specifically, proofreading. Generally, I would say all of the other "higher order" editing functions (developmental, copy) are well done. But there are eight people listed as editors. Not one's responsibility was proofreading?
I had written almost 1000 words about the proofreading but have removed it. Two of the adventures are excellently done and I assume this is due to the author's care before submission. But as a whole the lack of proofreading is shameful. See the Editing section below for the types of issues present. Even with two updates so far not one of the almost 80 issues I found has been fixed.
Preview : The full-size preview has the table of contents, a full-page piece of artwork, and several pages of the first adventure. Maybe that's enough but it seems a bit small to me. My understanding, though, is that all pages in a preview have to be contiguous due to how they are generated so it is definitely tough for folks to provide a good overview of a varied product that doesn't give away too much. I guess this is a decent compromise.
Attribution : All artwork and content is attributed.
TOC : Present but not linked, which would be an extremely useful thing in a document this size. Chapters are in the table of contents view in my PDF reader though so I guess that works. Not all of us use that view though so I still feel links in the ToC are appropriate.
Formatting : The document layout is really good.
Art : Amazing! Quite probably the best part of this product. Beautiful and definitely fits the mood. Applicable, well used, and a good amount.
Style : Highly variable and inconsistently follows WotC D&D House style, sometimes within the same adventure! This is one of my big pain points with this product. I don't care whether a product follows WotC style, although I certainly prefer it. Just make sure you follow whatever style formatting you do choose.
Editing :
missing/wrong prepositions
wrong word choice: e.g., deductible vs deducible
contraction without apostrophe
page # reference for map incorrect
lack of spacing where needed and inclusion of spacing where not needed
high variability in formatting of names of spells, magic items, skills, etc., even within adventures (see e.g., seed of life) [biggest issue]
how monsters are identified doesn't fully follow their stated format
chopped off text
referenceless pronoun
"missing" About the Author section (or perhaps the author did not want one is a possibility)
"it's" instead of "its" throughout one adventure
reference to "Dramatis Personae" when the text is labeled "Important Characters" (yes, I know they are the same but does everyone? Also, a reference to a named section of text should reference it by the name actually used)
doubled text
stilted/confused writing (by someone who seems to be a native English speaker)
Number and type of files included : Originally 1 PDF but now 4 PDFs and a folder with 9 maps in PNG. The 4 PDFs consists of 2 different versions (release and update), each in regular and screen reader friendly versions.
Value : I do think this is a value based on the number of adventures received. I buy very few products from Dungeon Masters Guild above around $12.00 so it is tough for me to ascribe value to them, but considering you are getting 11 adventures across Tier 1 to Tier 3 I do not see how you can complain, at least if you are a Miyazaki fan.
Darkhold: Secrets of the Zhentarim by Justice Arman, M.T. Black, Anthony Joyce and many others.
Format : PDF
Acquired 18 August 2020 ; paid $11.95 [20% off via M.T. Black newsletter]
Product released/last updated 18 August 2020
Number of pages : 112
Read date 25-27 August 2020
Number of stars 5
This is an excellent supplement full of lore, player and DM advice, new subclasses and a new feat, new magic items and spells, and a plethora of stat blocks for low-, mid-, and high-level Zhentarim and monsters.
The introduction gives an overview of what's in the book's seven chapters, Zhentarim naming conventions and faction overview, along with five things to know about them.
Ch. 1 covers character options with an expansion of the Criminal Contact feature from the Criminal background, new subclasses (Cleric: Strife Domain ; Rogue: Spellthief ; Sorcerer: Beguiler), and the new Skymage feat.
Ch. 2 provides a history of the Zhentarim, which includes good coverage of Manshoon and his many faces; hierarchy; missions and downtime; perks; the chain of command, including overviews of all the leaders; mercenaries for hire; and a system for using Thieves' Cant at your table.
Ch. 3 covers the Sunset Vale region and provides information on all of the region's named villages and towns, etc. Each area has info on population, government, defense, commerce, religion, and factions, as appropriate. Also included for each are adventure ideas.
Ch. 4 provides information on all aspects and locations of Darkhold and its immediate surrounding area.
Ch.5 goes over playing evil characters and playing in and running evil campaigns, with good info on safety tools and on how to keep the group cohesive.
Ch. 6 has new magic items of all rarities and 15 new spells.
Ch. 7 provides more description and stat blocks for all of the Zhentarim leaders including Legendary and Mythic features for several of them. Other residents of Darkhold and surrounds, both NPC and monster, also have descriptions and stat blocks. Finally, there is a page of Zhentarim techniques on how to specialize Zhentarim NPCs in the areas of infiltration, thievery, and enforcement.
This is an excellent supplement with plenty of lore, good character options and advice, useful DM advice, new magic items and spells, and plenty of fully fleshed NPCs of all levels, and monsters.
Highly recommended! An excellent value.
Preview : Full preview available.
Attribution : Content and art attributed, along with bibliographies of D&D books and articles and Dungeon Masters Guild Community Content used for material and inspiration.
TOC : Present and hotlinked.
Formatting : Excellent.
Art : Applicable, well used and a good amount.
Style : Follows WotC D&D House style; consistently.
Editing : Excellent all around. Proofreading much better than most. I only found 6 small issues in 112 pages, all of which have been provided to one of the lead designers.
Number and type of files included : One PDF and a folder with 3 maps: one labeled and one unlabeled map of Darkhold and one regional map of the Sunset Vale.
Value : Excellent
The Harpell Collection by R. P. Davis
Format : PDF
Acquired 14 August 2020 ; paid $2.95 [full price]
Product released/last updated 14 August 2020
Number of pages : 18
Read date 15 August 2020
Number of stars 5
The Harpells are some of my favorite characters--especially taken as a whole--in the Forgotten Realms novels and I simply love the idea of an annual Harpellcon at the Ivy Mansion.
Each item is introduced with its provenance and who brings it for display, which is a wide-ranging group including presenters and items from Eberron, Ravnica, and other planes, besides the many factions and individuals representing the Forgotten Realms.
Humor abounds as I caught quite a few references that made me chuckle and even literally laugh out loud; no doubt I missed a few too. The art is lovely and many items are represented visually. Formatting and editing are top tier and the items and text follow D&D House style which, for this reader anyway, makes it much easier to parse out what I am reading.
Some of my favorites are the Lucky Charm, Personal Oasis, Summoner's Totem, Ring of Focus, and the Iron Wand.
I consider this a well spent $2.95 and definitely consider it a good value. Since you can see a 100% preview you ought to be able to make that decision for yourself easily before spending your money.
Preview : Extremely generous as seems to be the entirety of it.
Attribution : Check for both content and art.
TOC : None present. Not really needed.
Formatting :Quite good, although I do find the pebbled gray background to reduce legibility somewhat. Also, like most products at DMs Guild the font is a bit small. [Seems that is going to be a perrenial gripe for me.]
Art : Excellent and highly applicable, with a decent amount.
Style : Consistently follows WotC D&D style.
Editing : Quite good. Definitely in the top tier of products on DMs Guild in this regard.
Number and type of files included : One PDF.
Value : Quite good.
Notes for Author : I only found two very small issues. The first I asked on the Discussions tab about the missing effect length for the Ring of Fearlessness. The other is in the first sentence for the Wand of Aptitude: "Artificers from House Cannith and the Izzet League both showed up this year with example of this wand." Easiest fix is "example[s]" or perhaps "[an] example".
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for the kind words!
I've already corrected the length for the Ring of Fearlessness, and I'll make the correction to the wand when I can get to my laptop to correct the InDesign file.
I hope you and your table enjoy the items!
Bob |
Player Primer: Icewind Dale by Steven Pankotai and Sadie Lowry
Format : PDF
Acquired 11 July 2020 ; paid $4.95 [full price]
Product/last updated 30 June 2020
Number of pages : 18
Read 14 July 2020
Number of stars 5
This primer provides a good way to situate characters (or NPCs) from Icewind Dale, especially with the forthcoming Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden. It begins with an overview of life in the Dale, the official history so far, and a map. For their purposes the Dale is divided into three regions: The Cold Run, Ten-Towns, and the Tundra. The next section contains descriptions of the settlements by region. Four factions are also provided.
The largest section covers character development. Home regions, backgrounds, social status, home settlement, race, family, acquired allies and rivals, fateful moments, favorite food (based on region), mysterious secrets, and omens make up the bulk of the text. There are tables to roll on or to provide inspiration for your own ideas. One new background is provided, along with six modified backgrounds to better situate them within Icewind Dale.
The resource ends with a very short list for further reading.
Highly recommended if you want to adventure in Icewind Dale as a "local" or if you want a character from the Dale.
Preview : Full-size preview shows a fair bit of the content.
Attribution : Check.
TOC : Present and hotlinked.
Formatting : Good.
Art : Applicable, well used and a good amount.
Style : Semi-consistently follows D&D house style.
Editing : Pretty good. List of minor editing issues provided to the editor.
Number and type of files included : One PDF.
Value : Good value.
Create-A-Domain: A Cleric Domain Creation Guide by Matthew Gravelyn
Format : PDF
Acquired 26 June 2020 ; paid $2 [full price]
Product released/last updated 09 August 2019
Read 26 June 2020 ; re-read 06 July 2020
Number of stars : 5
This is a Pay What You Want resource with a suggested price of $2. There are currently twelve more Create-A-X: A XX Creation Guides in the series. They are all PWYW with the $2 suggested price.
Do you need a guide like this? Perhaps not. But unless you are an expert on class/sublcass structure due to years of varied play, or you are up for and capable of the research into how classes/subclasses are structured, this series (assuming the others are as good as this one) will save you a lot of reading, thinking, and notetaking. Having already done that work myself as I probe for desired variations in the Moon Domain for the Cleric class, I wanted to see how this might be presented as a product for others.
I think the author has done a very good job at this. It discusses the cleric's primary abilities and talks about choosing a deity respectfully. From there we get a page each on all the aspects of a cleric domain (subclass). Along the way, we see two domains built per that page's discussion and then they are brought together and re-presented as two separate domains. It finishes up with an attributions, usage allowances and contact for comments page.
This is an excellent resource!
Preview : Full-size preview provides all front matter and the general overview of a cleric Domain, along with two pages of the create-a-domain section. This should be enough to decide whether you want it.
Attribution : Fully attributed on last page.
TOC : Not present. Short enough not to be necessary, although could be useful.
Formatting : Small font as in most DMsG resources. Otherwise has nice, simple formatting.
Art : Small amount that is both applicable and well used.
Style : Mostly and consistently follows D&D house style guide. Only exception I noticed was "wisdom" as an ability (whether as an ability or as a saving throw) is not capitalized.
Editing : Quite good. Better than most, for sure. The few minor issues I found have been sent to the author.
Number and type of files included : One PDF.
Value : I consider this a good value at $2.00. Since it is PWYW you could get it for free and then, for you, it would be a great value. There are currently twelve more Create-A-X: A XX Creation Guide in the series. They are all PWYW with the $2 suggested price. If you are unsure then perhaps get the one you are most interested in for "free" and then pay for any others you end up choosing.
I have used the PWYW at $0.00 in the past and I do try to keep that in mind if I want something else by the creator. You can also go back and "re-buy" something if you truly wind up liking and using the resource. I also saw somewhere that creators get nothing under PWYW unless you pay at minimum $0.50. With that in mind I went ahead and paid the recommended price for this, my first Create-A-X: A XX Creation Guide, as I have been poking at the many variants of the Moon Domain for a while now.
Highly recommended. I will also turn to any of his other guides when I need to design any of subclasses. Assuming they are each as good as the Domain one then they would be a good bargain at $2.
Rykard's Tome of Familiars and Animal Companions by Rajan Khanna
Format : PDF
Acquired 10 June 2020 ; part of NAACP Legal Defense Fund [BUNDLE] paid $9.99 [full price $7.99]
Product released/last updated 28 October 2019
Read 26-27 June 2020
Number of stars : 4
This resource covers familiars, animal companions, and steeds and offers new options. It describes using familiars in scouting and combat, to include delivering touch spells. Adds additional forms of familiars, to include a chapter on variants, such as elemental, plant and undead familiars. There is a chapter on Pact of the Chain familiars and one each on constructed and found familiars.
Animal companions are different than familiars and those differences are brought forth. New companions and information on finding and keeping them are also covered. There are also new subclasses for the Barbarian, Druid, Monk, Ranger, and Rogue that make use of animal companions.
Steeds get the same sort of treatment, including fantastical steeds, and subclass options for Fighters and Warlocks.
Details on personalizing your companion creature, new backgrounds, feats, spells, equipment, and magic itens are presented, including magic items for the creatures themselves. There are also several pages on a Beast Rune system, that lies "[s]omewhere in the space between spells and magic items ...."
This is a fairly comprehensive resource on these topics. If you, as a DM or player, are looking to up your familiar, animal companion, or steed game then this is for you.
Preview : The full-size preview shows more than enough for a good decision as to whether this is for you or not.
Attribution : Check for both content and art.
TOC : Present. Not linked, which would be extremely useful in a document this long [148 pages]. Ch. 6 is missing from TOC.
Formatting : Font, as usual, is small. Uses ligatures for "fi," "ff" and "fl" but then the word frequently has a space in it. Those spaces are beyond distracting, and they are prolific. Also, they are not even consistent. There are many examples of fiend without the space. Something has gone incredibly wrong here.
Art : There is quite a lot of art here of various sizes, and it is applicable and well used.
Style : Fairly consistently follows D&D House Style Guide but there are a couple non-standard examples.
Editing : Reasonably good. I have provided a list of proofreading issues to the author.
Number and type of files included : One PDF.
Value : Another tough one for me as I got this as part of a bundle for only a little more than the asking price for this individually. I do think that this is worth the asking price as it is fairly lengthy and comprehensive. There is a lot to work with, especially for familiars and animal companions.
I took 1 star from my rating for the absence of a hotlinked TOC, the ligature issue, and the proofreading issues. Content-wise I would still give it 5 stars.
The Patron Primer by RDD Wilkin
Format : PDF
Acquired 10 June 2020 ; part of Black Lives Matter [BUNDLE] paid $9.99 [full price $6.00]
Product released 02 May 2020/last updated 04 May 2020
Read 19 - 22 June 2020
Number of stars 3
This is put forth as a standalone appendix to an upcoming product, Warlocks of the Realms. As such, it is geared to the Forgotten Realms but could be easily adapted to other settings.
It contains potential patrons from almost a score of different entity types; for example, Archfey, Elder Evils, Demon Princes, Liches, etc. And while they are presented as Warlock patrons they could easily be used for an character involved with a supernatural entity.
While the vast majority of these beings are evil, there are quite a few of good alignment, ranging from celestials to dragons, along with a handful of more neutral entities such as the primal spirits.
Preview : Contains more than enough to get an idea if it is for you.
Attributions : Check.
TOC : Present and hotlinked. Thank you!
Formatting : Good font size, much better than what seems to be the default at DMsG. Somewhat minimal formatting but laid out well. Highly visible page numbers.
Art : Several pieces, all applicable and well used.
Style : Not that relevant as is not presenting stat blocks or rules, but more like min-bios.
Editing : Mediocre. Really needed some proofreading by someone not immersed in the text. If I had paid full price for this I would be upset about it. This brought it down from 4 to 3 stars for me. Oh. I see from the author's website that they do proofreading as a gig. Hmmm.
Number and type of files included : One PDF.
Value : In my opinion, not worth $6 unless you are REALLY into Warlocks and want a lot of possible patrons. Then again, I am not that into Warlocks, so take that into account. As part of a larger bundle that had several things I did want, I do consider it a value though.
I have sent the list of issues I found to the author.
Creator Reply: |
Thanks for your comments Mark. As it happens I was already working on an update which has gone live today. Hopefully most if not all of the issues are resolved.
The Rules of Cool Characters v1.0 by Ashley May
Format : PDF
Acquired 10 June 2020 ; part of End of NAACP BUNDLE $9.99 [regular price $3.95]
Product released/last updated 12 June 2019
Read 30 June 2020
Number of stars : 5
This is a great product that not only helps you to concoct a "cool" character but helps you to be a decent player; that is, one who is not a drag to play with.
We get a definition of "cool," along with sections on traits of cool people, the aesthetics of cool, the effects of loss, portraying vices and flaws, bad behaviors and how to avoid them, the complete guide to brooding in a corner, recovering from being completely uncool, and how to be a cool player. There is a lot to be found in 24 pages of content.
Preview : Gives a decent overview of the product.
Attribution : Check. All content and the artwork is by the author, except for the cover art.
TOC : Not present.
Formatting : Very well formatted. I love that none of the breakout boxes interrupt any of the text. Well done.
Art : All art, except for the cover, has a similar style that works well.
Style : This doesn't actually come up much since this isn't a rules-heavy text, but consistently follows D&D House Style.
Editing : 4.5 of 5 stars for editing. Perhaps could have used one more proofreader not involved with the project. This is much better than most products at DMsG though.
Number and type of files included : One PDF.
Value : Having got this as part of a bundle, I can say that it is a great value. Even if I had paid the full asking price I think it would still be a good value.
The Consort: A Fey Companion Class by Jackson Lewis
Format : PDF
Acquired 10 June 2020 ; part of NAACP Legal Defense Fund [BUNDLE] $9.99 [Full price is $4.95]
Product released 12 January 2020/last updated 13 January 2020
Read 28 June 2020
Number of stars : 5
This is a full-blown class offering with four subclasses as offered. The consort is "chosen by a specific [Fey] sovereign, for the purposes of companionship and diplomacy to the material world (3). Love, in one of its many forms, good or bad, is assumed to be present between the character and their fey sovereign [For more on this see the reviews mentioned below].
Basically, this is halfcaster fighter. All four of the subclasses strengthen both the strange fey magic and the fighter aspects of the class in interesting ways. Tributes begin at third level and go from 3 known to 9 known at 18th level. There are twenty in total, with some restricted by level and/or sovereign. Seven have no restriction, two more are available at 5th, one at 9th, three each at 11th and 15th, and one at 18th for each of the four sovereigns.
The contents include the base class information, four Fey Presence Choices [subclassses], Tributes [see more below], Consort spell list and five new spells, and eight magic weapons.
There are other considerations that are important and I suggest that both Catherine E. and Tiffany M.'s reviews are highly worth reading. They both make excellent points which do not need to be repeated here.
Preview : The full-size preview gives all front matter, the entirety of the base class, and the first two Fey Presence Choices [subclasses].
Attribution : Yes: creator, editor, layout, layout template, and artwork.
TOC : Present and hotlinked. Thank you!
Formatting : Font is the normal small for DMsG products. Layout is otherwise nice.
Art : Nice amount, applicable, aesthetically pleasing.
Style : Mostly follows WotC D&D House Style. There is some inconsistentcy in capitalization.
Editing : Prety good but really could have used a proofreader; someone not closely involved. I see this in quite a few products at DMsG.
Number and type of files included : One PDF.
Value : This is a fairly niche but well-thought out class if your campaign is fey-focused. There are other table considerations, though, and you should see the two above mentioned reviews for more on that. I am definitely glad that it came in the bundle. I doubt I would have paid $4.95 for it but that does not imply lack of value or interest, as it is more of "As interested as I am in the concept, it is unlikely I or my table will have need of it." Still, I like the idea and its execution.
Vault of Magic II v1.1 by Marco Betini & Marco Fossati
Format : PDF
Acquired 10 June 2020 ; part of Black Lives Matter [BUNDLE] $9.99 / [full price $6.95]
Product released 21 January 2020/last updated 06 February 2020
Read 17 June 2020
Number of stars : 4 [5 once typos, ambiguous bits, etc. are fixed.]
Per the authors, it expands on Vault of Magic and includes 72 magic items, 22 spells, 4 NPCs, 2 backgrounds and 6 tables for minor quirks and benefits of magic items.
Looking at the tables of magic items by rarity, the distribution is a somewhat "peaky" and rightward skewing bellcurve. That is, more rare items than in a normal peak, and a few more very rare than uncommon items. While common and legendary are similar, it skews slightly further rightward with 9 legendary and 7 common items. Some items have varying levels of rarity and are included in each level, as appropriate. [common 7, uncommon 13, rare 39, very rare 21, legendary 9]
Has some small oddities of language or punctuation. [See for example, Rocksplitter (box Dwarven Creation) and ":" usage. / Rod of Blind Walking "While holding this rod in one of your hands, you gain no ill effects due to darkness ...." Would not most native English speakers use "suffer" or something similar versus "gain"? One does not generally gain negatives in English.]
There are several scrolls that can be reused. I have not seen that before. I am not totally against it but it still seems a bit "off" to me and I would probably just put the effects of them into different item types. One scroll item makes great sense, though, as there are two in a set and they are used together in a way that reuse can make definite sense.
There are also several typos and a few ambiguous or confusing things which I have sent off to the point of contact listed in the Discussions tab.
All in all, I like this as there are good ideas here that I have not seen before.
Preview : The full-size preview displays some of the tables, magic items, spell descriptions and one NPC. That should be enough to get a good idea.
Attribution : Good attribution for content, design and art.
TOC : Present and hotlinked.
Formatting : Good. Font is a touch small but that seems to be an issue across DMsG products.
Art : Quite nice: applicable and a good amount, from full-page down to many individual weapons and other items.
Style : Seems to follow WotC style fairly consistently.
Number and type of files included : Two PDFs; one of which is a 5-page [+3-page front matter] preview.
Value : This is tough. Being one of the 3 or 4 things I was particularly interested in that were in this bundle, I find it a good value for me. But if I had--the question even being, would I have?--would I find it a value for the full asking price? I am unsure. I would suggest looking hard at the preview to help decide.
The Knight Librarians: A Fighter Subclass by Brittney Hay
Format : PDF
Acquired 14 May 2020 ; paid $1.59 [full price ; now $1.99]
Product released/last updated 30 September 2019
Read 15 May 2020? ; re-read 22 June 2020
Number of stars : 5
I purchased this as soon as I came across it. Yes, I am a librarian.
This is a half caster subclass of Fighter that is Intelligence-based for both casting and for attack and damage rolls with weapons you are proficient in. It provides a scholarly skill and tool proficiency, spellcasting (up to 4th level spells), a lore-based feature, and at higher levels, extra spells and a bonus casting action. Included are a spell list (with spells from the PHB and XGE), two new spells and an explictation of scholar's tools and some uses. I quite like it.
My only question is whether it is intended to be a spellbook-based caster ala Wizard. I would assume that it is but it is not explicitly stated. Also, the description in the new spell, absorb knowledge, seems to imply that it is, again without being explicit though.
Preview : Shows the upper level class Features and the spell list. This is 50% of the content, so is about as good as it gets.
Attribution : Content; check. Art; check.
TOC : Too small to need one.
Formatting : Good, but as with many DMsG products the font is small.
Art : Good.
Style : Follows WotC style consistently.
Editing : Pretty good.
Number and type of files included : One PDF.
Value : I consider it a value. $2 is probably a fair price (and I paid less) for a well-reasoned subclass but I don't consider just any subclass to be worth that, though. Specifically, if you are interested in a Fighter subclass that does NOT use its subclass to "tank up" even more AND you care about books and libraries (in game) then this is probably something you want and would be a value to you too.
Comments/corrections for author:
"Knight Librarians" seems to be the standard pluralization but you have "the Ancient Order of Knights Librarian" in the opening text. All other uses have "Knight Librarians."
Knight Librarians Spellcasting table : Referred to as "Knight Librarians table" in Cantrips section but as "Knight Librarians Spellcasting table" under Spell Slots and Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher.
Diligent Studies : "...that govern the universe have payed off." Change to "paid."
Knight Librarians Spell List : last line : "are denouted by two asterisks." Change to "denoted."
Fear and Loathing in Faerûn by Kian Bergstrom
Format : PDF
Acquired 18 January 2019 ; paid $4.99 [full price]
Product released/last updated 15 January 2019
Read 21-22 January 2019 ; re-read 07-11 June 2020
Number of stars : 4
Rules extended for alcohol, drugs, psychotropics, poisons and a few arbortifacients. Magical versions of a few of those. Over 100 drugs updated from previous editions, along with 26 new substances, feats, rules for making and buying/selling drugs, random tables for generating plants and substances, and the Arcane Apothecary (a prestige class) [that I quite admire as a potentially amazing NPC].
There are also new conditions: nauseated and hungover [not specifically labeled a condition but is nothing else but] and both drunkeness and withdrawal have levels and increasing effects ala exhaustion.
If you want a lot more detail to drugs and alcohol, including hangovers and addiction, then this is a pretty good system. But before venturing down this road (or any other version) make sure your players are OK with this. Addiction, drugs, alcohol. Triggers for lots of people. But if this is something your table wants, then it is a good value.
Some mention of the possibility to inflict potential harm on anyone, beside any purchaser who is clearly intrigued enough to
buy this, and the need for a table discussion before introducing such material into the game would have been greatly appreciated. Don't get me wrong, I am one of those who bought it immediately as, for reasons, I am intrigued by the mechanics and flavor and I acquired it three days after it came out. But I would not even remotely consider using it at a table without a frank, open and honest discussion first, whether DM or player. There are certainly medicinal (or poison, but that's another discussion) bits you could pull out without using the addiction (or hangover) pieces. But it shines more as a whole than as pieces to be pulled out.
Good value if you need it. But do you and your players all agree?
Preview : Both previews show quite a bit.
Attribution : Amazing attribution of sources for both content and art. 5-star attribution (well, assuming all the citations are correct.)
TOC : Present but not hotlinked. I would certainly prefer it to be as, while there are only four entries, the page numbers each begin on are 2, 15, 68, and 73. Those are big gaps which would be well-served by being clickable.
Formatting : Seems well laid out, although the font is a bit small.
Art : There are several pieces of art, ranging from full-page to one corner of a page. They are applicable to the content and are all attributed.
Style : Mostly follows WotC style guide pretty well except for the capitalization of feats and skills.
Editing : This is where it lost its 5th star. Too many typing errors easily caught by someone not heavily involved in the product. Or good editors, even better.
Number and type of files included : One PDF
Value : If your table wants a lot more detail to drugs and alcohol, to include alcohol, drugs and addiction, then this is a good value.
Notes for the author:
p2 "An adventurer, like you used to me." Change to "be."
Glossary : Anaesthetic : missing a period.
Glossary : Elixir : "substanes" Change to "substances"
p3 Glossary : Poison : just a comment that many poisons do have medicinal uses in small amounts, and I believe there is even one, perhaps more in here, that do. Thus, the definition seems a bit limiting.
Glossary : Poisoner's kit : "... treat their effects one oneself ..." Change "one" to "on"
Basic Medicine : "As these require ..., ... in Medicine has learns a number ..." Remove "has" or change to "has learned"
p5 Tutelage : "The novice will be expected ..., t do some ..." "to do"
Research : "The materials are fragile and often one-of-a-kind the guilds of different cities ..." Probably supposed to be two sentences with a period after "one-of-a-kind" and a capital T on "the"
p6 Buying and Selling Ingredients : "On the other hand, the Xanathar Guild has eyes everywhere..." Needs a period after the ellipsis since is the end of a sentence.
p7 Complications for Buying Drugs table, entry 9 : missing a "by" in the middle.
p9 Chichiatl. The period should be a :
p10 Garnet Wine : "... of ground of garnet ..." Remove second "of"
Burning Bronze Ale : "Ale" should be "Rye"
p12 Herschel's Drinking Problem : "First, he rolls ..., he wont ..." "won't"
p16 Medicine List : text, last sentence : "as noted on the final section of this handbook." Change "on" to "in"
Alindluth : Addict Effects [AE] : "... the duration of the initual effects ..." "initial"
Appearing Ink : "... their tattoo willglow .." "will glow'
Arthorvin : Side Effects [SE] : "disasvantage" to "disadvantage"
Azuldust : IE : "(10 miunes the ...)" "minus"
SE: "disasvantage" to "disadvantage"
Baccaran : "There are slight differences ... when inhale and when eaten." "inhale" to "inhaled"
Bitterleaf Oil : Overdose Effects [OE] : "Disadvantage of all Dexterity checks." "of" to "on"
Blacktooth Fungus Paste : SE : "... all attack rolls and damage roles, ..." "roles" to "rolls"
OE : "... 1 point every 2 rounds." should be "2 points every round."
Bloodflower Leaf : Addict Effects [AE] : "... blooddflower ..." Remove a "d"
Dose of Haagen OE : "Wisdom (perception)" capitalize "Perception"
Drowth : 1st line has "droth" and once again in same paragraph.
IE : "damag" make "damage"
Fezrah : IE : "... saving throw or frightened of ..." insert "be/become" before "frightened"
OE : "fezrad" change "d" to "h"
Gnomish Moonguard : IE : "gnomish moonshine" should be "gnomish moonguard"
Grell Bile : IE: has "grell venom" twice
Jalynfein : "Jalynfein is a crystalline powder must be introduced ..." put "that" between "powder / must"
"When dry, jaynsfeir ..." to "jalynfein"
"The flesh affected by the jalynfein bubbled and swells, ..." to "bubbles"
Mad Foam : IE : capitalize "intimidation"
Mindfire : IE: "in order to case a spell ..." to "cast a spell"
Moon Honey : throughout you use both "moon honey" and "moonhoney"
Musk Muddle Salve : "... severe burns. ." Remove the second period.
Oil of Taggit : "party mamber" to "party member"
Phoenix Powder : "... root of desert plant." to "root of a desert plant.
Ralayan's Comfort : "... our own musics ..." to "music"
"The effects ... user are be quite ..." to "are quite"
Sakrash : SE: "Harming them is as morally ..." pronoun confusion. Based on a natural reading the "them" refrred to is the imbiber. Consider "Harming others ..."
Scorcher Fumes : "... swamps, scorcer fumes ..." to "scorcher fumes"
"... fit that forces them either to leave the area. If the cannot leave, ..." Either what? Since the next sentence states what happens if they can't leave you could simply remove "either" in the first sentence.
Commentary: For such widespread use across industries, this really does not seem very effective. After a minute, and every minute thereafter, there is an equal chance that the user will be overcome with a coughing fit as they were to be affected by it in the first place. None of those jobs can be done within one minute. I also understand that it is a common drug but a 50% chance (assume no bonus to CON) that it will even work does not make for a very effective substance. And if you are reasonably hardy then there is even less of a chance.
In an enclosed space (morticians, slaughterhouses, taxidermists): I would raise the DC to about a DC 16 for the Intial Effects; as I feel it needs to be far more effective [you want to fail]. For Secondary Effects (2 main options: complex and easy, but also confined vs. open space): (complex, confined space) I would make the first save DC 5 and have it go up by either 1 or 2 every round. I feel, that with great rolls, that ~7-15 minutes is pretty generous, since it would mostly be less than that. And honestly, that is not much time to do most of those jobs.
Outdoors (refuse collectors and swamp explorers)(complex, open space) I would make the DC for Secondary Effects go up more slowly since the space is open.
(simple) I would still raise the DC to about a DC 16 for the Intial Effects [again, you want to fail]. For the Secondary Effects I would leave it at DC 10 perhaps. Still seems too high a chance early on to start coughing. This needs more possibility to be effective than it does to make someone cough until they leave or collapse unconscious. Just some thoughts.
Sehan : SE: capitalize "persuasion"
Shadowbalm : "... a monstrosity that dwellsin ..." put a space between "dwells / in"
SE: two periods at end
Shrinkwort : "inefinitely" to "indefinitely"
IE : "... it shrinks in size as though under the enlarge effect ..." No! They "reduce." Same but reverse issue under SE.
Sweetheart's Confection : IE : "Neither detail of emotion nor is any degree of intensity is communicated, ..." Either rewrite or remove second "is."
Tatterskye : SE : "(as as the condition)" remove an "as"
Tekkil : OE 2nd paragraph : "tekkel" should be "tekkil"
Thever : IE : "Inhaling thever fumes proves ..." should be "provokes" most likely, or "requires"
Tongueloose : IE: "..., probably not worth involved in performing them." Maybe "worth the effort/time ...."
Trueform Oil : text 1st paragraph : Could easily drop "to" at end, or make it "onto."
SE : The advantage on DEX checks. Is this on DEX checks forced by others or by one's own actions, that is, a DEX check to evade something/somebody or say a DEX check to manipulate some fine-grained implement? One should be advantage and the latter should be disadvantage.
Tuanta Quido Miancay : IE : the atmosphere has been "effected,: not "affected"
Vlonwelv's Silvertongue : SE : capitalize "deception," "intimidation," and "persuasion"
Wurple : "inefinitely" should be "indefinitely"
IE: "A creature that drinks one a glass ..." get rid of either "one" or "a," not both
p69 App. A : Apothecary Metamagic : "You must spend arcane points ..., ... options on a spell with you cast it." should be "when you cast it."
p70 Friendly Spell : "... but does no hit point damage also have the effect ...." Rewrite OR add "and" between "damage / also" and change "have" to "has"
p70 Gentle Spell : " ..., you make a spell that deals hit point damage nonlethal." Move "nonlethal" between "deals" and "hit point"
p71 Cook : Master Chef : Capitalize "deception," "intimidation," and "persuasion"
p71 Physician : Natural Philosopher : Capitalize "naturalist" (feat)
p71 Healer : Capitalize "alchemist" and "master herbalist" (feats)
p71 Venenator : Locusta : Capitalize "expert poisoner" (feat)
p72 Bagoas : Capitalize "iron constitution" (feat)
p72 Arcane Apothecary Spell List : formatting is really wonky: first six 1st-level spells are across the top and then down the page in the first column.
p74 Random Ingredients : "To determine difficult it is to find the ingredients:" Insert "how" between "determine" and "difficult" OR rewrite as "To determine difficulty in finding the ingredients:"
A Guide to Tool Proficiency Use in D&D 5e, by Caitlin Fitzgerald
Format : PDF
Acquired 2 December 2019 ; paid $1.00 [full price]
Product released/last updated 30 December 2016
Read 4 December 2019 ; re-read 16 June 2020
Number of stars : 1
This honestly is not remotely ready for primetime. If you wanted to take it as a start for building your own tool proficiency system then perhaps it is worth $1 to you but you would have a lot of work to do. If you want to use it as is then it is not worth the $1.
I have no particular dislike for it being in Word format but I would prefer it had been turend into a PDF. I no longer have any MS products on my Mac and, thus, I have to choose between programs to open it and they all do something slightly (or more) wonky to the layout (as would different versions of Word!). Make it a PDF and that issue goes away.
Bottom line is this is not worth purchasing. It makes me sad to have to say that. For the specific reasons I make this claim, please see below.
Preview : None available.
Attribution : Author is attributed. There is no art.
TOC : None present.
Formatting : Simple, Word .docx with tables and formatted text. There isn't even a cover page, as such. The text just starts about 2/3rds of the page from the very top.
Art : None. Also none really necessary but some wouldn't hurt.
Style : There was so much else to watch for and note tha I did not pay that much attention to whether it follows WotC style guidelines. I do not remember seeing anything particularly egregious in that regard though.
Number and type of files included : One .docx
Value : Very little, even for $1.00.
The subtitle is "Using your tool proficiency to make money in downtime a guide for DM’s and Players." This needs a colon between "downtime" and "a". Nor should "DM's" be possessive. Also, if is the subtitle, as I presume, then it does not need a period.
All of the entries consist of a name (Xxxx supplies/kit/tools), a cost, weight, an Ability (DEX, etc.) used with it, number of uses, and a restock cost.
Alchemist’s Supplies : Random creation? Seriously? Someone sets out to make a Common potion but not a specific one, like Potion of Climbing? All levels of items (common - legendary) are by random creation! Number of days for a common item is 5, for a very rare one is 6.85 years, and for a legendary item is 68.5 years! Someone is going to spend over 68 years and 250,000 gp to create a random item?!
Brewer’s Supplies : Random creation, again!? Seriously? Someone sets out to make a Common beverage but not a specific one, like a specific wine or beer? Also, why are things like "2 serves of chicken soup" on here? "Servings," please. Also who makes chicken soup with their brewing equipment? [I was a homebrewer.] Also hangover cures? Seems that should be alchemy or herbalism, not brewing. Also, "1 day" for creating a gallon of ale or a bottle of wine is beyond ridiculous. Perhaps the "brewing" if you don't include the fermentation. Brewer's Supplies are good for 20 uses. What are we talking about here, the tools or the supplies? Yes, one needs to constantly replensish their malt and hops or acquire more grapes or honey, etc. as supplies. But the tools (kettles, spoons, etc.) should last you a long time.
Calligrapher’s Supplies : Earnings are rolled for. Allows for up to four scrolls (regardless of level) to be scribed each day! XGE Ch. 2 states one day for cantrips and first-level spells, three days for a 2nd-level spell and it just goes up from there. This also has the cost at 20 gp/spell level but under XGE a 9th-level spell scroll would take take 48 workweeks and cost 250,000 gp!
Carpenter’s Tools : 10 uses? Seems like most carpenter tools are generally non-destructable and should rarely need replacing. Sandpaper, certainly, but at 5/8 the original cost for only 10 uses?
Cartographer’s Tools : Sell For is based on Size (of map or area?) OR on town size? This section is not very clear and if Size is of map (must be as is use-based) then the two different sizes are not mutually exclusive. Also talks about using a map of poor quality but "poor" is not any of the Quality descriptors.
Period, space, period after Bonuses sentence.
Cobbler’s Tools : How do they allow for making horseshoes? Blacksmiths make horsehoes and potentially farriers but not a cobbler.
Glassblower’s Tools : OK, although nothing about quality.
Jeweler’s Tools : Label is as above but then has “jewellery” throught text. The word is “jewelry.”
Leatherworker’s Tools : Chart is the same as the Glassblower’s Tools and not for leatherworking.
Mason’s Tools : Time to Craft seems potentially a little quick but perhaps this is minimal.
Painter’s Supplies : Nothing about quality; Time to craft and Sale Price based entirely on size of job.
Potter’s Tools : OK. But is there any kilning or glazing going on?
Smith’s Tools : OK, except horseshoes belong here.
Tinker’s Tools : Nothing about tinkering, per se. X-drone constructs? Not sure I think a tinker could make these as RAW has Primus as the creator of them all. Also, “Duedrone” should be “Duodrone.” Also, if you allow tinkers to make these constructs, the Sale Price for the amount of Time to Craft is ridiculous, as is the low profit one could make doing so.
Weaver’s Tools : 1 gp for materials no matter the quality (common, fine, travelers) is overly simplistic. Skill in workmanship will affect the price but quality and cost of materials will also vary greatly.
Woodcarver’s Tools : Unsure of the Item Types that can be crafted. Certainly there are other things that are carved but are shields and arrow/bolts items that woodcarvers craft. A wooden shield could be carved after it is created but it is rarely created by carving.
Disguise Kit : OK.
Second sentence in text is definitely wonky.
Forgery Kit : Nothing about quality of the forged document. Seems fairly critical as a forgery is not simply a copy. Also, the potential price earned is extremely low for forgeries!
Gaming Set : The first sentence is an incomplete sentence. Gambling does not really work this way. As a basic, simple system you could use it but many will want more complex/realistic systems. Thankfully they can be found elsewhere. Nor is gaming only gambling.
Herbalism Kit : Cost and Number of Days are highly divergent from RAW. I am agnostic on which is better but they are at extreme ends of each other. E.g., a Potion of Supreme Healing (very rare) can be made under this system for 250 gp in 60 days at a minimum of 12th level. Under RAW, a very rare item is doable at a minimum of 11th level, and would typically cost half of a permanent item, so 0.5 x (5001 – 50001 gp) and takes 1 day per 25 gp cost. So, ~2500 – 25000 gp, which is 10-100 times the cost of this system. It would also take between 50 and 500 days to craft. Time to Craft is OK at the lower cost end but the cost is still divergent by an order of magnitude. Also, description is for Alchemist's supplies. Not fully formatted as other entries.
Musical Instrument : Usage details speak of a gaming set. DC is not based on a d100.
Navigator’s Tools : Only for the sea? Also, why can't they be used during downtime?
Poisoner’s Kit : Description is for weaver’s tools. Not exactly clear in its text.
Thieves’ Tools : Not sure Probability of Detection belongs here but it is related so mileage will vary.
First sentence has "You can spend your downtime thieving items for yourself of for others." "of" should be "or".
Oath of Freedom: A Paladin Oath v 1.1 by Renaud Lotte
Format : PDF
Acquired 12 June 2020 ; part of Black Lives Matter [BUNDLE] for $9.99 : $1.00 individually
Product released 4 May 2020/last updated 28 May 2020
Read 12 June 2020
5 stars
I have never been the biggest fan of paladins so this is a bit difficult for me. That said, I could see myself playing an Oath of Freedom paladin before most of the official subclasses.
This is structured just like the official ones with Oath spells and Channel Divinity at 3rd, an Aura at 7th which increases in radius at 18th, a feature at 15th, and a capstone feature at 20th. The only difference I see is that there are three options for Channel Divinity whereas all of the official Oaths have only two.
Preview : previews only give access to cover and attribution pages so not actually helpful. Then again, it would be hard not to, in effect, give the content away by providing the actual page with the Oath content. Not sure what to say about that other than it's tough for the author and for a potential purchaser.
Attribution : author is attributed. The only art is on the cover, not sure of attribution.
TOC : content is one-page so not applicable.
Formatting : simple and effective.
Art : see Attribution.
Style : Follows WotC style guideline consistently except for one spell name which, while italicized, is also capitalized [in Liberty of Mobility at 15th level].
Number and type of files included : one PDF.
Value : I consider this a good value for $1.00 although it is currently part of two different bundles and thus much cheaper if you want anything else from one of those bundles.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for the review, Mark.
The art is from an old public domain image that I modified. So I should credit it as such.
Thanks again. |
Expendable Implements: Arrows, Bombs, Oils, Posions, & Potions by Sean vas Terra
Format : PDF
Acquired 10 June 2020 ; part of NAACP Legal Defense Fund [BUNDLE] for $9.99
Product released/last updated date 29 April 2020
Read 11 June 2020 ; re-read date 12 June 2020
Number of stars : 5
This is an excellent resource which expands on five kinds of expendable magic items.
Opens with a description of the five types of items included, followed by 5 random tables (d12); one for each type of "implement." The items follow, aphabetically by name within the five types, also arranged aphabetically. There are a couple breakout boxes covering: ammunition types (instead of simply arrows), thoughts on stacking oils and poisons, and poison dosage (currently mistakenly labeled as "potion dosage.").
These are all expendable items with most being single use. The oils can be used on one weapon or ten pieces of ammo. A few of the poisons can be used on three pieces of ammo. This work treats poisons as magical items, which is not a bad idea if one is looking for a simple way to handle them. There are, of course, official rules (see Ch. 8 of the DMG) and many other systems out there. The main thing is that it uses the magic item rarity system. If poisons as magic items is not up your alley then simply ignore that provision; nothing really changes.
I saw a fair number of effects across these items that I have not seen elsewhere. And while twelve items each might not be a huge number, I feel those included provide a great jumping off point to make your own. At $2.95 you may balk on the "low" amount of content included. Only you can decide if it is of value to you. This was one of the small handful of resources in the NAACP Legal Defense Fund [BUNDLE] that I was interested in and it did not disappoint.
Right now [as of 10 June 2020] it is a part of NAACP Legal Defense Fund [BUNDLE] bundle so it is very cheap, assuming you want something else from the bundle.
Preview : Over half of the content is available via the preview. That should be more than enough to decide if the style and content are for you.
Attribution : Author, cover art, interior art and InDesign template creator are all attributed.
TOC : no table of contents present. Content is only 8 pages so probably not necessary.
Formatting : Formatting is simple and very effective. I love that every page carries a version number and date!
Art : artwork is fairly minimal but also effective. Anything else would just make the product longer and larger (in file size) for no good reason.
Style : Consistently follows WotCstyle guidelines pretty closely.
Number and type of files included : one PDF
Issues for the author :
p5 Stacking Oils & Potions breakout : "ontop" should be two words, "on top."
Oil of Annihilation : shouldn't it slowly corrode wepaons that aren't magical or adamantine ala Black Fang poison?
"hitpoints" [5 total uses, see also p 7 & 8] by DnD House Style Guide it is "hit points." Not a big deal either way but the document seems to adhere to official style otherwise.
p7 Breakout box "Potion Dosage" is only talking about poison; should it not be "Poison Dosage"?
Line 3 of text in that box has "... players to beable to ...." Perhaps it is just the justification tool being used (since many words after a comma look like they have no space between them and the comma.). It is hard to tell in many cases if it is the justification or if the spaces are simply missing. A part of it may be the font choice, which is pretty readable otherwise, also.
Creator Reply: |
Thanks for the review! I'm glad that it caught your eye out of the NAACP bundle.
There's always some minor typo that I miss when I'm doing the final formatting, I'll have to go back and fix "potion dosage" and stuff. I also have to mess with the indesign export settings sometimes to stop some fonts from being wonky.
I write "ontop" and "hitpoints" that way on purpose, those are specific breaks from the standard grammar/styleguide that I make. |