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The Ringmaster\'s Husband
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The Ringmaster's Husband
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/17/2022 14:42:35

The Ringmaster’s Husband is a fun adventure for D&D Fifth Edition. To create my solo engine, I changed seven lines in the FlexTale Infinite Adventures Volume 4 Western Realm of Aquilae (264 pages, DriveThruRPG). I used five characters: level 4, 5, 5, 5, and 6.

For the first scene, each PC made one attempt at the shooting gallery (carnival games at the circus). The cleric was the only one who won a prize (yes, it did cost him a copper piece). For the second scene they watched the performance, noticed the interruption, and picked up the quest from Kaylie. For the third scene, they tracked the beast. Four of the five PCs contributed to the success. The fourth scene was the big combat battle. A lot was going on. I should have used tokens/figures for this. All of my PCs were wounded. My cleric had 14 hit points left. And then there was a werebear and a cave bear. My PCs ran away (scene 5). The downpour probably helped with their escape. For the final scene, the PCs gave Kaylie the bad news about her husband. She noticed that they were wet and exhausted. She gave them half of the reward. She is now considering giving them another quest.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
WOW! Thank you for the feedback! It sounds like fun! I'll have to check out the title you referenced. Have a great day!
The Ringmaster's Husband
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Edward R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/21/2022 09:05:17

Cool little one shot with lots of chance for role playing. I also purchased FestivalGames&_Fortunes from the same author which I will use to flesh out the fair before the one shot and allow the party to test their skills and gather rumers before the main game starts. Plan to work this into the modules I am running for my party of 4 teenage girls.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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