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CCC-CENTRIC01-03 The Patchwork Tower $2.00
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CCC-CENTRIC01-03    The Patchwork Tower
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CCC-CENTRIC01-03 The Patchwork Tower
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Ander T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/12/2021 19:10:46

This was a fun adventure! The mechanical puzzle was engaging, and pretty hilarious as the party struggled to overcome the environmental hazards. The robotic nature of the Modrons actually added a weirdly video-gamey flavor to the approach to the tower, but that was not at all unpleasant. It was actually an interesting challenge to run as the DM as well. The stealth portions were exciting, and even the collapsing floors made my players laugh at themselves.

I ran three level 5 characters through it in a reasonable amount of time. It was challenging enough that they had to take a long rest in the middle, but the chaos of the setting made it seem reasonable for them to hole up in a closet for the night. The encounters seemed well balanced, and the mission was a total success without it seeming inevitable.

The only tweak I made was to give each member of the party one of the magic items during the adventure, because it seemed more fun that way.


[5 of 5 Stars!]
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