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Delta Green: PX Poker Night
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Delta Green: PX Poker Night
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Delta Green: PX Poker Night
Publisher: Arc Dream Publishing
by Jonathan B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/07/2022 13:34:45

I know one of the biggest complaints from others is how PCs are expected to make characters that are airmen. There are 100% work arounds for this, so do not feel as though every character must be in the airforce. This is a great into scenario with fantastic writting and art!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Delta Green: PX Poker Night
Publisher: Arc Dream Publishing
by Chris D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/17/2021 19:31:31

Far better than the original scenario and a tad tighter with far more art than the original (which had none).

It also removes the Dimensional Shambler from the original scenario and tightens the focus a bit, and adds a hell of a ton of quality of life improvements like a table of SAN values so you don't need to roll for everyone in the base. If you need more pregens you can grab the original Poker Night which is still on DrivethruRPG.

As for the scenario it's decent. My players weren't the biggest fans of it but that may have been down to my alterations rather than the scenario's fault. It's set in the 90's, it's got a pretty decent amount of combat, and creative players may get a lot out of it.

It's solid for a one shot but starting a campaign with it might be a tad tough.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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