Ran this with a heavily optimised party, in hindsight there are several changes I probably should have made.
Before that though, I would like to thank the author for finally spelling out Dara's mission in the call to action. Previous modules appear to be missing this, instead using vague ideas of what she is doing in the Hells. There's a few inconsistencies between this module and 09-19, namely it's implied that Mahadi has left the company of Dara's entourage. His emporium reappears without explanation which is a bit jarring.
The first part is intersting with the use of Advancing and Delaying encounters. I didn't like how there's half a page of "These abilities simply do not work" something that has cursed high level content since its first release. Would be nice if it is spelled out that a paladin's divine sense identifies a path of consecration.
I didn't realise that the encounters must be played in order, the way the text reads "Play an advancing encounter" implies that they can be mixed up slightly. For future DMs of this adventure, don't mix them up, it works a lot better. The delaying encounters are far more detailed and intersting than the advancing encounters. the third advancing encounter doesn't read like an encounter at all, there's a non-threat that is hidden but there's no reason the party would interact with it. That encounter certainly needs more work.
The Battle at the End of Part 1 is definitely set up as something of an epic scale, however it didn't play out that way in teh slightest. This is where I would have made some changes since the big bad appears by themself in the second round. And (despite maxing their HP) within a round they are dead. Single targets are too easily ganged up on to place in a field by themselves. Instead, for strong-very strong parties, the second and third waves should arrive at the same time to try to prevent the party from being able to focus fire upon the boss.
Part 2 is a bit of a blur, I love the stakes but I don't love the encounters. The first encounter with four Rocs is an exercise in attrittion, and parties hate the 28 wizards. The second encounter with the balor is ok, but still nothing to write home about. The rune in the center of the encounter is interesting, but not interesting enough to make use of.
I'd like it if there was clarification on what happend with Elturel exactly. Is it still in hell at the beginning of the adventure? At the end? My players had questions and I had no answers.
Tier 4 content is tough to design for, players simply have too many resources to be able to drain them within a 4-6 hour module. If tables seek a challenge without having to make too many adjustments to the modules I would suggest that 09-19 and 09-20 are run back-to-back with no long rests. That should provide a gaunlet of a challenge where players actually have to manage their resources and not just use them all at once to blow away encounters.