The other reviewers already told how great, well-crafted, inspirational this book is. It makes for a rich campaign that'll last months of roleplaying pleasure. But it is also one of the Deepest Glorantha Lore books I have read. Draconic Mysticism is here, plain for all to understand. Initiation Rituals to well-known Gods take on a new sheen. Plus, new interesting design and gaming mechanics (community stats, NPC simplification) add more crunch to the game. Enjoy !
An amazing description of some of the little people of Clearwine. Even down the social scale, there are stories, adventure seeds, relationships to discover and exploit. The characters described here are amazingly alive and complete, they breathe out of the pages. Very pleasant reading.
Clearly not a book for world-shakers, for Heroes, for Thanes and Priests - if you want to rock the world, go on your way. But if you're into street-level campaigns, in relationships management, in making small differences... this is a MUST.
This is a Beautiful work. Written for the HeroQuest / HeroWars rules, it describes the Dundealos tribe of Sartar in Glorantha. They're exotic because they're "Horse Orlanthi" and worship Elmal, the Sun God, otherwise it's politics as usual. They continuously fight the eastern threat of praxian and their ancestor killed Jaldon Broken Tooth, the hero of praxian heroes, hence their other name : the Jaldonkillers.
The players start very small, when they're 8 or 9 years old. Even children can stumble on Magic in this world, and they do meet a... Frog spirit. A few years later, now 11 or 12, they have a hard decision to make : should they go after a praxian kidnapper now or call on the adults ? Fast forward a few more years and it's Initiation time, the moment they have been waiting for their whole young lives. It is described as an Elmali Heroquest and has potentially surprising consequences.
This book is pleasant to read, elegantly written, with the love for its subject glowing (it's an elamli thing) through the pages. It's an easy campaign to play, with a lot of wise and useful advice about how to run different scenes. The whole story happens during lunar occupation but it would take little work to fast forward it to 1626.
So if you're into Glorantha, Horses or parenting, go ahead and read this. Even better, play it ! Enjoy.
Secrets of Dorastor lists many places, individuals, organizations, cults and some other things not so easily classifiable that exist / operate / rave around in Dorastor. All this is new information, even if you've read Dorastor and the Book of Drastic Resolutions about the place.
Dorastor is an EXTREMELY DANGEROUS PLACE, partly taken over by Chaos and accordingly mutated. It's a BAD IDEA to go there. It's a WORSE IDEA to try to interact with its denizens. Dorastor is for powerful characters for whom no challenge is left. Dorastor will bring them to their knees very quickly if they're not extra careful.
Yet it is as wonderful as horrible, with dozens of scenario ideas supplied by the author, all more gruesome (the stories, not the author) that each other. It's not only monster-bashing either (a precision here : the monsters do the bashing) but there are, as always in Glorantha, politics involved.
Many of Simon's ideas are disturbing : a chaotic earth Goddess whom everybody worships because, well, there's no one better to ; a giant who likes to disguise himself as a tree ; what's the interior of Kartolin castle really like... and dozens more.
Enjoy reading and my condolences for any loss you might suffer entering there !
Creator Reply: |
Thanks for the review, Herve |
If you like to spice your game with magical artefacts, this is the book for you (PLUNDER has been around for so long and been, well, plundered of everything). So here are a good numbers of new items to include in your game.
My absolute fave is the SINGING SWORD. The item that indeed gives you + 1 CHA when you flash it around, but - 1 CHA if you stay in one place for too long. The item that's worth 10 000 L... unless the buyer knows its whole story and then it's worth 1 000 L at most. It's classy, it's hilarious and I would throw it in the Vent (Glorantha's biggest Volcano) if I ended up as its owner. Maybe. It's so beautiful, so elegant, it cuts so deeply... ah, such a hard choice.
I also recommend Stickyfinger (which does not stick) and the Bones of Luck and Death. So you want to be part of the Tournament of the same name ? Here's your chance to get a feel of the power of LUCK.
Hippoi's Feathers and Esrola's mirror are more classic but well-rounded ideas that are worth Questing for.
Finally, you get a full selection of shamanic items of power : medicine bundles, ancestor bundles, ablity bundles, plenty of bundles ; plus spirit weapons, spirit darts, etc. all brought to you by the excellent - if eccentric - Simon Phipp.
Enjoy reading and PLEASE let me know if you ever include the goddam Singing Sword in your game !
Creator Reply: |
Thanks so much! I'm glad you've enjoyed the book. |
This book is all about a character (NPC) from a different culture, in a difficult situation, who stumbles on / is stumbled upon by your characters. She's probably from THE ennemy culture (lunar empire) but is a beautiful woman in danger. Or maybe you saw her buzz-sawing her way through her attackers ? Because she is, in fact, a secret high-level assassin, one of the dreaded Blue Moon cultists. Here. What do you character do with that ?
The beauty of this little book is presenting several situations and possibilities, all mind-opening, all intriguing, for your characters. This time, the ennemy is not faceless. It's even very pretty, and it - OK, she - has a strong Honor code. Maybe a little messed up for you...
Enjoy reading and above all, enjoy playing !