Disclosure - I am one of the regular players in Nick’s gaming group, though I was not present when The Duel at Dangerford was played. Having now bought and read the scenario, I thought it only fair that I should share my thoughts and comments.
The scenario is a compact piece, probably playable in one session, though it is undeniably an enjoyable, heady, adrenaline rush of a game. The players are placed centre stage, immersed in Gloranthan myth, encountering legendary heroes and facing off against powerful enemy generals, armies and magic. All the stuff that makes playing RuneQuest in Glorantha great!
The scenario is written in a relaxed, chatty style, which may be perceived as not taking itself too seriously, and for some, they may not like; and throughout which, Nick provides various footnotes, hints and tips, allowing the GM to make informed decisions on how to change or expand certain sections of the game.
Finally, the anecdotal descriptions of the other gaming sessions, were I feel a brilliant inclusion. What an excellent way to promote the concept of ‘your game will vary’, by sharing your personal experiences of playing some of the published scenarios with the wider community, and allowing players and GMs to compare and contrast them with theirs – nice touch!
I totally recommend purchasing The Duel at Dangerford; if you don’t, you’ll be missing out on an innovative, cleverly written scenario.