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The Armies and Enemies of Dragon Pass
Publisher: Chaosium
by Juha H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/25/2022 14:46:19

I am biased. I am back actively participating in Glorantha after seeing the sketches Martin was doing for Armies and enemies and getting the idea to get some nice minis to convert to Glorantha. At some point of that road I ran into RQG and the group I play with these days. I bought this for illustrations both pdf and paper. And I think I got my moneys worth However - the text content is gold too. It draws an intricate picture of warfare in Dragon pass in a way that makes it possible to describe - if you show wish - campaign or battle like Caesar in Gallic wars or Cornwalls Sharpe. If these are not your cup of tea you can still use the book to just pick a unit to be your next group of evil henchmen of big baddie - with a good understanding of from where they come from and how they operate. And show a pic of how their troopers look like.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Armies and Enemies of Dragon Pass
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Thank you for your kind comments.
Cups of Clearwine
Publisher: Chaosium
by Juha H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/08/2021 14:00:29

I am a huge fan of Kris Herbert portraits. That they come connected to a web of interesting characters is a bonus. After Dregs I could expect intertwined fates, very human likes and dislikes and interesting stories framed in a urban setting that is historically believable. I was not disappointed.

I would not expect the supplement to support traditional monsterbash, but for soap opera connected to lives of normal people the small book is very good.

CAVEAT: I play with some of the creators, nut I am not involved with Beer and Teeth production.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cups of Clearwine
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The Dregs of Clearwine
Publisher: Chaosium
by Juha H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/10/2020 12:59:48

I play in the same group as creators, but am not involved in this project.

I like non playe characters who have their own agendas. This book caters to that need in spades. Denizens of dregs may need help of player characters or be able to help them, but they have their own lives in their own small, close-knit community. They have their own livelihoods, not great but respectable, (except for those who do not.) They have their own likes and dislikes, hopes and ghosts.

For me most intriguing parts are the interconnected web of relations spun across the slums and Kristi Herberts sublime portraits of the characters.

At this stage I have come to realize I do not necessarily use my rpg purchases for gaming. I do see several ways to use Dregs though. It works as is - as a location and a community at Clearwine if characters have business tarrying in that Colymar town other than as royal guests. Some of the characters could - with some thought - be dropped in wide variety of locations. Alone or with some of their adversaries or friends.

If one wishes ideas for high powered action usability of this book is limited. Also some noble adventurers might meet denizens only under exceptional circumstances. But for ideas of urban Sartarite life and communal problems book is excellent.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Dregs of Clearwine
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I was particularly pleased with how Juha used the book when he ran a game recently - an NPC, Kana, with a Lunar history and a bad facial burn, was sort of almost mentioned... We now know, as a group, that somewhere - probably in Sartar - there is a child called Kana whose house was partially burned and whose mother was murdered. We just have no idea in character where she is, or if she's alive.
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