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The Spooktacular Pay What You Want
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The Spooktacular
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The Spooktacular
Publisher: Generic Games
by MATTHEW A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/15/2021 14:25:48

One of my favorite new playbooks to come out. I played this playbook on a podcast and I had a ton of fun. Very good for the "Charming but magical" style of play, not a fighter by any means. The playobok has one move that could be a little overpowered, but it depends on how a keeper interprits it. One move allows you to make a sort of "deal with the devil" if someone reveals a secret to the character, the character can change the world using magic, but it doesn't require a weird roll. As I said, this could be a bit over powered, but it depends on Keeper interpritation.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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