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Shadowrun: Krime Katalog $9.99
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Shadowrun: Krime Katalog
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Shadowrun: Krime Katalog
Publisher: Catalyst Game Labs
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/04/2020 23:39:27

This book hurts so much to read. It could have been great. The potential is obvious.

The only conclusion I can come to is that it was written by someone who has never read Shadowrun 5th edition, but instead only heard about it from a friend describing it to them over the phone. Almost every single weapon will need a houserule to be usable, if only to define whether they are holdouts or heavy pistols, or sniper rifles or automatics, etc. Almost every single weapon with an accessory uses names of accessories that are almost, but not quite, the same as accessories that actually exist.

The PDF has no table of contents or index, and is informally split into 3 categories: weapons, weapon accessories, and vehicles. The problem there is that there are weapons in the accessories section, and there's a drone in the weapons section.

There are numerous other egregious errors that should have been caught by an editor.

Overall, this book is to other sourcebooks as Krime weapons are to other weapons: Low quality, cheaply made, and guaranteed to disappoint you.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Shadowrun: Krime Katalog
Publisher: Catalyst Game Labs
by Sean H. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 08/20/2020 15:16:50

Shadowrun: Krime Katalog is an Equipment Book for Shadowrun, for both the 5th and 6th World editions, detailing the new offering from Krime! Mostly weapons and weaponry support but now with vehicles too! Krime always verges on the too silly for my tastes but the book has a lot of interesting equipment and ideas in it, so it is still quite useful even if you strip away the trapping of the Krime and players always like new weapons and vehicles to play with.

Shadowrun: Krime Katalog, is an Equipment Book for Shadowrun, Fifth and Sixth World Editions, having mechanics and statistics for both. Providing weapons and beyond from the company Krime that specializes in weapons and equipment for larger metahumans.

It begins with an introduction to the Krime Corporation which may or may not been started by former Shadowrunners and their meteoric rise to success as providers of weaponry scaled to orks and trolls, with the implication of some shady business deals and a lot of luck propelled them to their initial success.

Then, the new weapons, starting with personal weapon ranging from a holdout pistol and moving up through size and destructiveness ending with a rocker propelled grenade launcher. One of the things I found most interesting was the writeup of a T-shirt cannon, that has some fun uses. The weapons are interesting if occasionally, well, silly and some of the art of the weapons is absurdly impractical. Some players will like that, some not so much. But there are a lot of interesting ideas even if you choose to use them in a different form.

There are a few vehicular weapons, heavy machine guns, rocket launchers and anti-drone optimized grenade launchers. Then new weapon accessories, ammunition (laser rounds! Basically fancy tracers) and grenades. Certainly things that can be adapted and that players will have fun with.

Next, introducing Krime Motors! With offering ranging from troll and ork scaled subcompacts to massive 10-ton prime mover trucks, a “fishing” boat and even a tankette (a single person tank)! Some fun and interesting vehicles.

Lacking is a single compilation of weapon and vehicle statistics and which specific skills (or specializations) are used with each of the weapons. But overall a strong product with a lot of good ideas . . . as long as you do not find Krime a little too cute and beloved by its creators (as, well, I do).

Note: Read more reviews and other gaming articles at my journal

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Shadowrun: Krime Katalog
Publisher: Catalyst Game Labs
by Allegra V. R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/08/2020 13:46:57

It was a fun read, a couple of gripes:

  • The weapon types aren't clear: IE, would a pistol-sized carbine be treated as a rifle or a pistol? What about a pistol-sized shotgun? Or the t-shirt cannon?
  • Some of the weapons do have their type listed, so this is frustrating. It's not a big deal, unless you're playing 5E, or you're playing 6E and have a specialization
  • Quite a few typos

Other than that, it was enjoyable. 15k words for a $10 price point seems a little pricey, especially when they're releasing 100k word books at $20, but it was worth it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Shadowrun: Krime Katalog
Publisher: Catalyst Game Labs
by James D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/02/2020 14:33:41

This could have been so much better with just a little bit of care. Krime is a really fun and interesting corp, and I loved the idea of a book all about the stuff they make. But, a lot of the stuff wasn't special or interesting, or was a straight downgrade of already existing gear. There are some interesting looking cars that seem to be priced specifically to make them not something you can make use of as a player. Some of the items are just straight broken and unsalvagable, and will ruin the game the moment the GM allows them in play. There is a grenade that requires a spreadsheet to calculate how much damage you actually do based on distance from the explosion, and spoilers: At ground zero it does a LOT. A lot of the guns don't bother to even tell you what type of gun they even are, so you have to just guess. And a few weapon accessories describe themselves as having a disadvantage that in fact has no actual mechanical effect.

With all of that said, there are some cool and fun things here as well. Some of the weapon accessories are really cool. I've seen some people really excited about a couple of the vehicles. And I really liked the fluff from the book.

Is it worth buying? Maybe when it's on sale. But certainly not for full price.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Shadowrun: Krime Katalog
Publisher: Catalyst Game Labs
by Andrew K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/20/2020 20:32:36

No. Such a lack of imagination. You own Shadowrun. There are a ton of brand names you could have used for all of the equipment. All you had to do was plagiarize yourself and this would have been way better. Bring back the Street Samurai Catalog. This RPG practically invented this style of book. Why is this so bad?

The pink shabby neon light logo looks exactly like this trashy stripper joint I used to drive by on my way to work.

And why are their more Shadowrun 6th edition books in German than English? They are better quality too.

+1 star for being in color.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
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