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Beneath the Monolith
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Beneath the Monolith
Publisher: Monte Cook Games
by Brian S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/09/2020 14:58:38

For owners of Numenera 1st edition or Numenera Discovery looking to play in DnD 5e: The majority of this book is reprinted setting and gazetteer with a few new pieces of art. Arcana of the Ancients is basicly mandatory to play effectivly in 5e. The only crunch to be found in this book is:

  • Ninth world mundane weapons/armor/gear with a note about converting DnD gold into shins
  • Creatures mentioned in the gazeteer but not included in Arcana of the Ancients book
  • A medium sized list of NPCs covering the CR scale from low, mid and high tier
  • 5e stats for playing Varjellan and Lattimore characters
  • 5e stats for being members of the core orginations

Other than that if you already own the 1st edition core book or Discovery you have everything else printed in this book. Arcana of the Ancients is a must have for playing Numenera in 5e but unless you have a visitant player or desperately need the stats for an abykos you can manage without this book. 3/5 Stars

For Numenera Cypher System players and GMs There is nothing new here for you at all. 0/5 Stars

For DnD 5e players and GMs looking to play in the Numenera universe Welcome to the Ninth World! This book is mostly setting fluff, but it does a decent job introducing new players to the world of Numenera. Please note that the Arcana of the Ancients book is almost mandatory to get the most out of this book. 2 new playable races, some adventuring gear, and few monsters and NPCs are included. 4/5 Stars

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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