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Meletisian Games $2.00
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Meletisian Games
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Meletisian Games
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Arseni K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/26/2020 21:16:28

There are some interesting ideas and fun flavor in this supplement; however, it could've really used another coat of polish, editing and revising. English isn't the author's first language and unfortunately it shows. There are also several places where there are words or perhaps phrases missing, sentences that are difficult to parse, and so on. The author has put effort and thought into this module and it has given me ideas for running an athletic event set in Theros, but it feels more like a rough draft than an unfinish product. With better editing and proofreading and a few more interesting NPC athletes for the events I'd easily give this supplement four or five stars instead.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you for review! You are absolutely right about my english skills, but i did best that I could, and hope, at least, it don't have misprints and has a sense. About interesting NPC athletes, i consider it's not as supplement, but as small module, and wanted to make more focus for PC, which will be participating. Druid with Bear Endurance spell, or dwarf with poison resistance, can make very memorable situation during events, better than any NPC.
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