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Witch Class for DND 5e Pay What You Want
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Witch Class for DND 5e
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Witch Class for DND 5e
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Timothy B. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 10/23/2020 10:40:28

Originally posted here:

This PDF is 8 pages, all content. The PDF sells for $0.50 PWYW, so under my 10 cents per page guidelines. Since it is also all content and no filler, so $1.00 would be appropriate here.

The class is a full 20 levels with spell casting to the 9th spell level. There is a max Spells Known per level. The ability for spell casting is Intelligence.

These witches have a "Binding Locus" that gives them their power. This also grants them abilities at certain levels. Binding Loci can be Arcane, Void, Wilds and Entity. The Entity is somewhat like the Warlock's patron and has a few more powers.

We end with the spell list. No new spells.

It's Halloween, go ahead and give them $1.00.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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