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The Prison of K'aas
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The Prison of K\'aas
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The Prison of K'aas
Publisher: The Pickled Dragon
by Joseph K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/21/2020 18:48:46

Yet another outstanding product from Matt Rauscher and the pickled dragon press. The background is rich and slides easily into an existing campaign or as a one-shot adventure for 8th level characters. Matt's attention to detail leaves little work for the DM. The encounters are well balanced, they will test your players but if they play it right will survive to fight the next awesome encounter. A good aligned party will easily find themselves wanting to help repair the rift between the two groups of NPC's, and there are plenty of monsters to slay for the murderhobo's. If the printable scenery for this module is as good as the rest of the products they will make a great addition to any DM's mini collection. Very well made and lots of detail. Congrats Matt on another great job! Can't wait to see what's next.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Prison of K'aas
Publisher: The Pickled Dragon
by Cely M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/29/2020 19:35:13

This adventure for 7th-8th level players is a breath of fresh air. It offers your party and the DM to step out of their comfort zone as they have to dwell in a setting far away from the Sword Coast. Specially being a rain forest housing 2 rich but very different cultures. The Lizardfolk and the Gan'yana. However they're not alone. A third humanoid faction enters the fray and that's where events take a turn for the unexpected. As a DM, I've always wanted to play in a homebrew that had respectfully done the research and execution of native culture. It is fun to flip the book and no matter where you look it will be filled with details for the locations, NPCs and many creative opportunities for role playing. . Imagine putting up your players through an unknown environment trying to solve a puzzle or finish up a fight and the dryness of the heat starts to cause exhaustion. Maybe the humidity starts to get worse or it starts raining heavy non stop. What are they or you gonna come up with? One cool addition that I have yet to explore are water vehicles. I would like to see how useful or problematic they can be. Oh, and you can't forget there's the Legendary Treasure "up for grabs". Nevertheless, this book has everything you need to dive down into a complete new setting that could trigger our imagination and wildest ideas to make memorable sessions.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Prison of K'aas
Publisher: The Pickled Dragon
by Mathieu R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/05/2020 20:10:24

A tremendous adventure in a setting that will take your players out of their comfort zone and give them a suitable challenge. Fantastic new creatures to keep them on their toes! Yet another spectacular release from The Pickled Dragon, 60+ pages of quality material to entertain your party!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Prison of K'aas
Publisher: The Pickled Dragon
by Eric R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/03/2020 01:20:22

Within minutes of opening this adventure I was telling myself "Wow, now this is how you create a setting!" My excitement did not stop there. Two rich, living cultures are real stars in this adventure and should really give the adventuring party a lot to think about. Misunderstandings and long growning predjudices between the main factions provide limitless possibilities for roleplaying to suite any group of adventurers and the highly detailed descriptions of important NPCs will fuel any DM's creativity. This adventure will take your players far away from the usual venues of the Sword Coast and into the real unknown. The environment alone can kill but there are a few new and BRUTAL creatures that will really test the skills of every party. Oh...and that the legendary treasure horde? It had me wide eyed and envious of any party that can get their hands on it!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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