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The Evil Under Clorehaven
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The Evil Under Clorehaven
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The Evil Under Clorehaven
Publisher: The Pickled Dragon
by Timothy M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/09/2020 14:15:28

Another classic Adventure by Matt Rauscher. The Evil Under Clorehaven, like all of his work, challenges any DM to pick up the roleplaying side of DMing and step away of being a roll-only DM. I had a fabulous time putting voices to all these well thought out and designed characters. The core battles are straight forward in this dungeon so you can have more time to just immerse yourself in the role playing of RPG. My group finished this piece in one setting of about 6 hours, with stretch and dinner breaks. So, if you not strong on the roleplaying interaction between you and the players and like some practice then get this adventure or any of the Adventure he has wrote. Look for “Prisoner of K’ass”, “Days of Blight Book One: Offering of Innocence” and “Day of Blight Book Two: The Gray Coven”.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Evil Under Clorehaven
Publisher: The Pickled Dragon
by Mathieu R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/05/2020 20:07:51

Another terrific publication by Matt Rausher! An admirable short adventure that can be inserted in any larger scale campaign you're running, or used as a standalone for a one-shot. A compelling story, detailed NPCs each with their own goals and motivations, and new monsters to keep your party on their toes, this book has it all. Matt Rauscher keeps raising the bar every time he publishes something new!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Evil Under Clorehaven
Publisher: The Pickled Dragon
by Byron H. J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/04/2020 14:25:05

The evil Under Clorehaven, gives a good taste of a towm full of NPC`s that are fleashed out to bring even your most hardcore RPers a good time, and then when you think well that is fun and all but I enjoy a good fight I need some thing to kill, well BAM right in the kisser you get it, as the horrors under Clorhaven are set to kill you, the best part is it will intergrate into your worls setting seemlessly

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Evil Under Clorehaven
Publisher: The Pickled Dragon
by Joseph K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/04/2020 12:36:42

Another great product from Matt Rauscher. Unique and interesting characters to interact with and new well balanced baddies to kill. Everything is well described and pictures in the book help take some of the work from the DM. This is a great side quest for an extended campaign or as a one shot. This adventure also goes well with the products from printable scenery. The adventure can be run in a few short sessions with a experienced group. Maybe a little longer with a group new to D&D. Definitely worth adding to your library, along with trying a few other products such as Misfit Maggot Five and The Monstrous Lexicon. Happy Adventuring!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Evil Under Clorehaven
Publisher: The Pickled Dragon
by Eric R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/03/2020 02:00:11

Now this is something I have never seen before! Real photography for practically anything the DM could need to describe during the game. Every NPC has a real face to go along with a lovingly crafted description. Even the town guards have a picture in full gear. The adventure itself is efficient in length but there is certainly a sense of real mystery and ultimately a true danger to confront (a very creepy one too). One of the included side missions is a real joy and I think almost any party would adore the new NPC it introduces. I can see this adventure as the perfect starting point for a frontier campaign with Clorehaven being an ideal home base for an adventuring group. The incredibly detailed inhabitants of the village are just asking to be used again and again for all kinds of further adventures!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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