So, wandering around on the site, I saw the cover art and clicked on it because why the hell not, I'm bored. Reading through the description, I stopped at 'plays on a 1 foot x 1 foot board'. Wait, what? And it uses standard Battlemaul sized minis? .99 huh? Sure, I'll bite.
Wow. Ok, now, the rules fit on one page of paper. Not one sheet. One page. How much detail can there be? Welllllll... a good bit. This game distills skirmish miniature battle games down into a white lightning can of whoop-ass. The system for creating your own fighters is quick, with enough generic/abstract to just let a couple of folks throw some minis they already have on a table and blow the crap out of each other. Got a guy with a big ass gun? Give him an Assault Rifle +3. Or a Gore-X Rotary Bladecaster and Tenderizer +3. Same effect, same cost, different names. There's no 17 page explanation of the various types of cover and how they interact with each type of attack. Nope. Cover is mutually decided upon by the players at the beginning of the game, and comes in 3 basic varieties that basically add a bonus to your defense rolls. Even though combat can begin on the very first activation, all models have 2 Health to start, and all hits inflict a single wound, so they all have a bit of built-in staying power. Not that they need it; games are brutal, and only last 15-20 mins at most. Combat is simple as well, with the attacker rolling a single d10 plus bonuses vs. the defender's 1d10 plus bonuses. If the attacker exceeds the defender's total, the attack succeeds. Just like that.
Oh yeah, I mentiomned activations. I have always liked this mechanic more than 'I move and shoot with all my dudes, then you move and shoot with all yours'. In FS players alternate activating models one at a time. Each activation gets that model 2 actions. These are all basic move/fight type stuff, including Guard. This, I think, may be the one thing that keeps FS from being a 5-star for me. This action is given a quick, basic description, but it's the one thing in the game I wish had a little more fleshing out. Otherwise, it's a really great, simple ruleset.
I'm kind of smitten with this one. Single-page rule sets are kind of my jam, both minis and rpg, and this one has quickly shot to the top of my favorites list. It's not Combatsledge, but that company does happen to make a miniatures game of skirmish-style gang warfare. Those minis would probably be perfect for FS. Or so I hear. However, any minis will do.
Grab this one if you like quick, dirty battles with simple, minimalist rule sets. You won't be disappointed.