First, let me say that I really like this supplement. The stats for the classic movie monsters and the different ways to use them were top notch. Probably most surprising among the monsters was Jack Frost. I wouldn't have classified him (or Krampus, for that matter) as classic movie monsters; however, they were handled with equal skill to the other classics.
The only reason I gave it a 4 instead of a 5 is because the format of the pdf was a bit wonky and because of numerous spelling and grammar mistakes. The spelling and grammer would have been easy to catch by running through a spelling and grammar check. Personally, I would use something like Grammarly which would helppolish it up even more. The wonkiness of the layout is especially bad when Dracula is introduced. It gives a paragraph about Dracula then launches into the entry for the Krampus, follwed by the stats for Dracula. If the format was tidied up and the spelling and grammar corrected, I would change my rating to a 5 Star. The content was flawless, but the layout, grammar, and spelling detracted from it.
Edited: Much better! Here's your extra Star :)