I bought this as part of a bundle with Weekend Warriors.
I appreciate that the author stated up front both the inspirations and expectations for this adventure. It framed the GM reading of it well.
The author clearly states that it was originally a convention adventure, so it was not developed with any character continuity in mind. I definitely plan on reading this one thoroughly and having it ready "in my back pocket" in case a regular adventure falls through for a day.
It comes with pre-genned characters which the author highly recommends get used for this adventure, as there are some game specifics relating the character's rank.
I think it would take longer than the 4 hours stated, but that be more of a reflection of my gaming group than the adventure itself.<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: The photos and the blocked-out descriptions of what to read. <br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: It could have included some pictures of the Bradley and Hum-vee for those who aren't familiar (There's plenty of room on that page)<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>