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Hardboiled Adventures
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Hardboiled Adventures
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Michael B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/24/2022 14:42:14

This really helps bring 5E into a noir type setting. It is extremely well written and easy to understand. Can't recommend it enough if you are looking for some noir goodness in your D&D adventures.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Hardboiled Adventures
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jonathan E K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/08/2022 10:24:03

As usual I will be rating these publications on 4 metrics: Utility, Quality, Presentation, Price. I’ll be rating them together because…my god. You’ll want both. I have no relationship to DC Bradshaw and I paid for these books myself.

1) Utility: For the love of all that is unholy. I was blown away. If you have any interest in running a D&D 5e game in a noir or urban setting with 40’s era technology…these things are indispensable. And even if you aren’t…the subclasses, spells, magic items, and other ideas…I’m planning to use them in any number of campaigns now. All the bases are covered between the two books, all the things you need for any such game, from items to cars to weapons to class updates to adventure…Wow.

5/5 No deductions, not even minor ones.

2) Quality: What the everloving….this is totally top end professional work. I couldn’t find any overpowered options. I couldn’t find any broken optional rules. There are some very cool new ideas, like taking a COmpulsion at first level to gain an extra feat…and all the new feats, spells, subclasses…they are all well built. THERE AREN’T EVEN ANY TYPOS. Professional quality writing and editing. Top notch. WoTC, hire this guy, but only if you pay him well.

5/5 I couldn’t find anything to deduct for even if it had been put out by WoTC. In some ways it’s better.

3) Presentation: Knocked the ball out of the park. The pages, the typeface, the art, the formatting…chef’s kiss. Everything in these products evokes the noir era. Just….perfect.

5/5 This is not ok. Somebody start making mistakes. Giving just good revieews is gonna make me look bad.

4) Price: Once again, are you kidding me? $12.95 for the bundle…he’s practically giving it away, at 86 pages of top end content, since he only gets half that amount from DM’s Guild…

5/5 Stop it. Charge more. Or maybe I need to reduce my prices. Dangit.

In summary, this thing gets 20/20, 100/100. 110% awesome.

Buy it. Twice.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Hardboiled Adventures
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Leonor M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/31/2020 04:26:59

I had so much fun playing this game!

The theme and the descriptions were very immersive and I very much enjoyed creating a characterin this setting because there were plenty of in-theme options to go with. The book is well organized and clear, making it easy to create characters and situations. The aventure in it is great!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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