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When the Candles Go Out...A 5E Birthday Experience
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Natalie P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/17/2022 06:53:22

Great fun! I ran it for my own birthday as the DM.

Some potential SPOILERS ahead to help out other DMs: For my group (who likes to talk to people) I sped up the game by removing the junkyard encounter entirely, and made the study encounter much shorter by making the person there deliver the exposition and then turn into a pinata before being attacked by phantom wooden bats and disappearing in a burst of confetti (and players also wanted him to drop sweets, so he did) in front of the place the characters were meant to go next. That avoids two long fights/encounters. My players defeated the final boss extremely quickly, but that actually worked out because by then we were pushing past 4 hours so it helped to wrap things up. It might be better to swap to less of the mobs in the room and beef up the stats of the boss though if you want that to be more dramatic. Also, my players were deadset on chasing the mobs that were meant to escape for plot purposes at the very beginning, so to help you speed up that part I recommend you say something like "Skillfully you manage to pick off all the lights you can see in the night, and for a moment everything goes back to darkness. And then in the very far distance, well out of range, you see one more light flitting inbetween what seems to be trees. It seems you didn't spot this one leaving a lot earlier than the others." It's railroady, but if you want people to finish the oneshot in 4 hours, it might be necessary. Oh, and I highly recommend getting a track of music ready to play that reminds you of your birthday parties as a kid for an encounter near the end, my players were laughing a lot and dancing to them (For example, Macarena, Mambo No. 5, Thriller, Reach, etc.). Hope that helps!

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When the Candles Go Out...A 5E Birthday Experience
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Fleshing Out Curse of Strahd: Old Bonegrinder
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Natalie P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/18/2021 13:36:44

Turned what would have 100% been a TPK into only a singular party member dying. Very valuable, the combat tips helped immensely. Hoping very much for Vallaki's chapter to be released soon!

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Fleshing Out Curse of Strahd: Old Bonegrinder
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Code of Conduct for RPG Projects
Publisher: Alphastream
by Natalie P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/04/2021 14:58:32

The document tells the person accused: "DO NOT ARGUE your actions with team members or attempt to garner support for your actions. Do not retaliate in any way against the victim or any other team members."

But nothing telling the accuser not to spread any rumours or 'garner support' for themselves, thus creating the situation where someone might argue with other team members about what happened in the first place. Surely all these things either should be initially heard privately by management or (if severe enough) the police before any other team members are involved at all?

Everyone of any gender can and does occasionally lie. This document naively presents a set of guidelines that are only in any way useful or fair in a world where no one lies. This set of guidelines provides absolutely no way for someone accused to have real say in what happened, to actually argue their case, and to flat out deny it if is simply not true. See: "ACCEPT your actions. Take responsibility for what took place, even if it was not your intent. Apologize unconditionally and propose solutions."

This is simply not acceptable to me and many other people who have taken the time to review here. I would highly recommend looking for another code of conduct.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Code of Conduct for RPG Projects
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The Best Little Whorehouse In RPGs
Publisher: You May Try
by Natalie P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/13/2019 16:12:46

I suffer from PTSD and was absolutely dreading the "where's the brothel?" question as a DM, so I followed the advice of another reviewer and had a look at this. Just finished reading it through and honestly feel so much more prepared for this question now. The author handles the topic very adeptly and with care to those who might be affected (thank you again for that). Also really good ideas for individual races and levels of income that are concise, but very well thought out. Nothing sleezy about this document at all. Overall I give it 5 stars and highly recommend it to anyone who might also be worried about this question popping up.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Best Little Whorehouse In RPGs
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