Wizard School of Awakening: How to Make Friends presents a new arcane traditions for wizards one that specializes in imparting magic life to objects, awakening them as it were.
The mechanics are quite fun, allowing the wizard to create two "thoughtlings" (awakened objects) at 2nd level and then more as they gain levels, to a maximum of five, each has its own personality (of a list of tweleve ranging from haughty to silly) which gives it or its creator access to special abilities. As the wizard grows in power they can awaken larger objects and magic ones as well, eventually gaining the ability to build a magical "homestead" which will maintain animate objects at the wizard's home.
There is a lot of potential for fun and interesting interactions between the awakened object and the wizard, and other people too, but there are some questions. Can the awakened objects speak for example? Or how does an awakened shield move? Why does a large awakened object only have 3 more hit points than a tiny one? Why do they inflict force damage when they attack? A little more attention should have been paid to such questions.
From a Dungeon Master's perspective, some advice of how to cope with someone who know has a character plus at least two awakened object (and maybe a familiar too). That could easily double the party size! Also several of the ability granted by the awakened objects personalities (kind and lazy especially) could cause some balance issue as they strike me as subtly powerful.
Overall, a very fun and inventive class, one that would be very well suited to a solo campaign. A DM will have to weight if they will fit into their campaign and how to balance them if they do. But, mostly, a job well done here.
Note: Read more reviews and other gaming articles at my journal https://seaofstarsrpg.wordpress.com/