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M20 Victorian Age Mage
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by Oliver S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/26/2023 03:52:25

The greatest thing about Mage is that it shows you all sides and all shades of grey. There are no good guys, only interests and tough choice. This title is a total departure.

To sum this setting up: technocracy="the europeans" (whatever that means) = bad. Anyone else pretty much good. If thats your view of history this game is for you.

I find this view not only inaccurate, extremely simplified and frankly, quite racist, but mainly it elimintates what makes mage great. That we are all struggling, we are all faced with difficult choices and if anything unites us all (as humans) it is this dilemma.

So this is a total no for me.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
M20 Victorian Age Mage
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Kids on Brooms: Core Rulebook
Publisher: Hunters Entertainment
by Oliver S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/17/2022 15:05:00

I bought this for to play with my kids, i found the setting cool and the coverart appealing so i bought it.

But what kills this for me its is constant reminder in this game to have players think about ethnicity, sexuality, race and gender. Call me old fashioned but for my 12 to 14 year old boys I just want to enjoy a game of high school magic, not really have a discussion with them about their characters sexuality or ethnic systemic oppression.

But on the flipside, if those things are important for your game group you will find plenty there. Its just not for us.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Kids on Brooms: Core Rulebook
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