I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars because I felt it was probably one of the most well written introductions to a setting I have read. A story from zero to hero you could say. Its great as a stand alone or to be used with its sequel, Company of the Dragon. In this review, no spoilers, I will give my observations and opinions on a 10 month campaign I ran 5 players through using this book.
First things first, it does not use the traditional character creation of Runequest: Roleplaying in Glorantha. The PC are initiated into adulthood, then goes through an entire year of exploring both the setting and want it means to be an adult in Haraborn culture. This is its strongest feature. The game takes place in a valley, a very excluded spot, so the PC will not need to know the broader setting that is Glorantha. It can be used to explore the game and not feel the need to learn its entire setting. My players really felt like they were developing and changing as the story went on. Not many games can say that as most have pre-established badasses rather than just regular folks. We just finished our campaign of SSiS and all I can say is they are extremely hype to see more of Sartar and the setting. The campaign itself fostered this interest in learning more.
NPCs and the location are extremely rememberable. There are a few key locations besides steads and the village, but Montgomery makes them reoccurring locations in the story with plenty of content around them. The NPCs themselves are all very rememberable. I have a couple that the PCs have fallen in love with and none of them feel like they are just filler. The Vale, home of the Haraborn, lives and breathes.
Guaranteed no ones SSiS will be the same. First things first, each PC will pick a profession, a stead and do a write up on their family. Then latter they found sponsors and began training to join there chosen cults. THIS WAS HUGE! Each player really developed their bonds and homes based on these decision. I even had a couple of twists for the PCs because during character creation they had rolled up professions that connect themselves to the chieftain of the tribe and one person ended up in a very strange situation because of the stead they picked, no spoilers but it was dangerous.
The story flowed very well with in-between adventure’s allowing for RP, character development along with mechanical changes to the PCs, and chances to learn up on the setting. Its extremely flexible it allowed me to integrate other adventurers from the Jonstown Compendium in-between the actual story. The option scenes in the back of the book are extremely useful and I plan to use those in the Company of the Dragon Campaign I plan to do. But on a day or two when I didn’t have a full table I pulled out the optional content and was satisfied with the table. There are subsystems in the book as well that includes quick NPCs stats, relationship meters and so on to add mechanics behind story driven content.
Combat, though sparce if PCs roleplay well, seems like good introduction with slow build up of game mechanics near the end. I decided to give my Players there cults/cult rule spells just before the final conflict, and since their opponent had them to, it felt more dynamic. Besides that each conflict felt very cinematic with a very satisfying conclusion. For the bigger conflicts the book has included rules for resolving thoughts without turning into a 5-hour combat slog.
I feel like with any reviews I would do injustice to the book if I did not try to critique. My biggest issue with the book was integrating the character development from the Core rulebook into what is in the SSiS book. You might miss the information cause its tucked away on pg 17 under Initiate membership into the Haraborn clan. I think a small write-up on development to show how to go about it would be extremely helpful. I think as good as the book is, if you are a new Game Master and new to Runquest: Roleplaying in Glorantha the book might set different expectations from the rest of the RQ product line since SSiS takes place before the official setting current time. This might lead to some confusion down the line, but this is a minor. Ultimately, I still gave the book 5 stars as I felt these issues were resolvable after rereading and writing my own notes on character creation and development phases. Again some of this might be because of the Core Rulebook layout.
Overall, I give this book my seal of approval for experiences Game Masters or new GMs of the Glorantha setting. Its flexible for any rule set and is extremely well written. If this is your first run through Runequest than this is a good start but if you are an experiences RQ Game Master than this would be a different experience too. Customize it and make it your own. Andrew Logan Montgomery has truly created an adventure my players will remember for years to come!