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Chasing Adventure Full Version $20.00
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Chasing Adventure Full Version
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Chasing Adventure Full Version
Publisher: Smore Productions
by Ceazar [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/03/2024 22:16:33

Have been greatly enjoying Chasing Adventure, and I plan on playing it a lot more. I love the flavor of the classes and the strategic departures from Dungeon World with conditions. The amount of optional rules and advise for running open tables is great. Character creation is a breeze and the bones are strong enough that you could easily flavor it for all types of fantasy settings. The casting systems for clerics and wizards are great as well.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Chasing Adventure Full Version
Publisher: Smore Productions
by Jon [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/31/2024 06:06:32

A great successor to Dungeon World, far more narrative and near PBTA, updated and far from "DND-isms" but without losing the feeling of heroic fantasy. Only thing I can criticize and this is a personal taste, is that dying is only a choice, but that can be easily hacked if you have other preferences, same with moves for journeys and travelling. Otherwise the system is almost flawless. The creator of the title is clearly active, eager and passionate.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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