This module has a great story and provides a challenging mixture of encounters. I dont want to spoil anything for players or DM's, but I will say that the designer provides some great narrative that can help DMs present the environments and not make them seem flat. My group found this adventure enjoyable!
I don't want to fawn over it too much, but as a Forgotten Realms fan that never journeyed to The Sea of Fallen Stars I have enjoyed reading these modules. Now that I have prepped it for an upcoming convention, I have some thoughts I'd like to share.
There are instances of downtime activities within the episodes and also a chance to do some interesting exploration that could steer outside the allotted time for the episodes. I have grown accustomed to looking in the Dramatis Personae Appendix to get the lowdown on NPCs, so I was a bit thrown off that it is provided in the narrative. The designer's effort to provide vivid depictions of undersea culture and lore is apparent, plus an NPC (The Librarian) unlike anything I have seen before. My jaw dropped when I saw that the effect of admiring The Librarian (won't spoil it) ... but when I saw how it was resolved, I was like, "O.K., this is alright". But I did start to become confused when I saw that information gleaned from The Librarian appeared to have no context to objectives in the adventure. I went back to look throughout the module, and can only deduce that this insight is supposed to given to Zehira ...
The adventures climax does not really provide closure to the one of the main objectives, leaving me to wonder the condition for rewarding players for "Finding the murderer and escaping Myth Nantar". It seems that players have the opportunity to know of the antagonist through narrative, but are not able to affectuate the antagonist's plan, since I beleive it was the designers intention that the antagonist elude capture. I did like that there was a brief timeline of the Malenti's actions provided in the Call to Action which clearly reveals events relating to the characters main objectives.
With the exception of the mysterious insight given at the end of the adventure, an experienced DM could tighten the plot flow a little more and make episode transitions smooth. I think the designer has done a good job putting together a follow-up to "Breaking Umberlee's Resolve", but there are instances in the meta to work out that DMs might find stalling to adventure flow. Throughly reading the adventure can help DMs recalibrate some of this, but there hopefully will be future edits to address the adventure's flow.
This probably gets old, but I wanted to just take a moment to reach out and tell you that I found this adventure to be a well put together dungeon "gauntlet". I am not a fan of dungeon crawls that slog along, but to me the descriptive narrative and the snide interjections from the the dungeon's creator make this even more enjoyable! The module is written with accuracy, brevity and clarity .. the three things to me that are important for any DM to be able to present this adventure. Thanks! Perhaps some more future adventure's can look more at the Blue Alley dungeon's creator....?
My players have enjoyed the whole GLIP run so far. The synopsis' at the beginning of each adventure can seem redundant to those familiar with it, but I appreciate that it is there! My players have enjoyed run ins with Hrogar ... I read this one to prep it for a con I'm running it at and I'm not surprised it has the same feel as the other ones! Well put together ... great stories!
Reading this adventure was a little challenging. The Primer is too vague and doesnt hone into the purpose of the adventure... a tarot card reading which seemingly has no meaning to this adventure other than taking up time. Moving through this adventure seems like alot of narrative on the Dms part and very little opportunity for meaningful player interaction ...the first two parts there is one check to hear rumours that don't seem pivotal to the adventure at all, and then you select one player to be struck with an max hp total reduction ailment before the real adventure starts. Part Three and Four were ok to navigate, but in Part Five I was confused as to why XANFIS was there.., there is no guidance as to what purpose this NPC serves there, because at the beginning the narrative suggests you take this NPC home first, then continue with the adventure. At best, this adventure has some good story elements, and does provide a good batch of ability checks and saves. But at its worst, it will require the DM to tighten up the plot a little so it is easy to follow and can be offered as a complete experience if ran by itself and possibly contemplating rewording the story rewards to entice players to continue this series.
I ran this tonight for my players. I really enjoyed the different directions that this adventure can take. My players did most of this adventure through the social pillar of play, and had a great time doing it. As a DM, you'll need to be cognizant of time, because you'll go over time before you know it if you have more players. Well Done. Picking up the next in this series soon!
Yeah... wins all around for this mod. I loved being able to break away from the Moonsea and get back into the Dessarin Valley (SKT was my favorite HC for bringing this area to life for 5th ed.)! The players loved being in the area too and Travis provides enough for DMs to impress the mood of this adventurers backdrops. Loved the Pipyap! and the trek into the FeyWild. Players weren't too happy being touched.. at least those with goat's noses... but they did enjoy the adventure! This is the second five star rating I have ever given out for a product review and justifiably deserved!
I ran this adventure and my players enjoyed it. The players did take advantage of the some of the venting terrain features, and saw that furtility in trying to take on the masses of creatures that they encounter. The players were challenged by Biscuits and also the HH's, but Seabordt and his guardian truly made things dangerously challenging and pushed them. I liked that the planar environmental effect, although my party wizard sent a sunbeam (brust) to deal with most threats! They were still challenged though. My rating is based on the fun factor of the module for players. As a DM, I had to open DotMM in order to read up a little more on the area the adventure takes place in, as well as review the DMG for other excacerbating elements. All-in-All, and ample finish to a good run.. .now I will keep my players down here and have them continue through Vanrakdoom! Run it as part of the series for a complete adventure arc...
My players loved this adventure! ..as did I! The story was wonderfully original (as far as I have read) and it did have elements of combat, social, and exploration that provide opportunity for all to enjoy. I went over the timing for the adventure and I was only able to fit three of the enounters in Part Three into their session. You'll want to look at the balancing to make sure that the encounters are synched with the level of threat you are wanting to present. There is plenty of opportunity for variety in encounters in Part 4. The final part IMHO, is this adventures biggest highlight. It did get a visible response out of my players! It can be a emotional, dramatic, and adrenaline-rushing! There is an opportunity to narrate the adventure's ending or roll it out in front of players! I decided to let the players participate in the narration and the die rolls! This module will get more run out of me, and I'm willing to bet it will from you to. Pick it up!
I definintely got the feel of a SHAW BROS movie when I read the module. I appreciate that- we have seen very little of Kara-Tur mentioned in adventures (except SEER in SKT). The designers definitely captured that. For time strained play, consider limiting the amount of events in the Sports Day. For current season play the adjustments/editing needed were easy to make. READ IT. It's not written in current formats, but that takes nothing away from it being a good module for those that can appreciate its theme. I wish this designer duo the best in their future collaborations!
Hi all. I ran this adventure at a lower APL for the three players that I had. We went three hours with only the main story line (combats were long). The shadows and that vampire spawn did challenge them, but we had a wizard that had a sunburst spell that made things more challenging for the vampire spawn; the undead beholder didn't worry them for too long.. they had a great time! I liked the scrying mirror; thought it was a great way to give major plot points to the adventure if the players missed anything. The puzzzles .. ? Well, since I know the designer to be a great creator of puzzles, I would expect nothing less! I'm so glad that my players did not go into the Shadowfell, but was prepared for it if they did! This is only my second time running a Tier 3 Module, but I will say as a DM, it was easy to digest (the map made it clearer). It gives me enough of story to let me work it in to any DotMM game I have. Thanks!
I had a chance to play this adventure at the D8 summit and I had a blast! It was awesome that I had the modle's creator running the adventure as well. It was an unique twist on adventure in a region of the Moonsea that has been the frequent site of many other modules. From the houseboat scene to the chance to haggle and help elves, to helping tiny little bunnies get where they need to, this one was enjoyable and will be for your players as well!
I'm not a fan of T3 and higher play. Most of the seasonal products I see for play at these tiers falls short of the challenge of characters with maximum optimization; however, you tie in a good story like the Artor Morlin arc that this module continues with and you have buy-in from me! I enjoyed the premise behind the adventure... clue-hunting and discovering a portal for their benefactor, and options across the pillars of play for it. The battles can get lengthy, but the designer not only gives you options to increase the challenges beyond the adjustment sidebars, but also is also courteous enough to give supplement references to consider for those DMs looking to amplify their narratives/optics. I ran over the alloted time with just one Bonus Objective, but the players enjoyed the game (and I think that trumps any insignificant critique I have). There was slight hiccups with the Adventure Flowchart and Adventure Hooks (I basically said that Artor Morlin did not find the charaltan Undertakers territory, the dwarven crypts, nor the Slitherswamp suitable for him); it is easily overcome with DM fiat. I highly encourage DMs to read the module through before running it. Looking forward to running the follow-ups! Thanks to Cindy Moore for this effort!
Going to run this for my LGS next Monday, but I wanted to leave my thoughts here as a DM. Again I'll say that I not big on frills. If I normally see a CCC with alot in the presentation I often move on. I picked up the first part of this adventure, ran it last week, the players enjoyed it and I left them with a cliffhanger ending. They want this one too! I read through it and saw some areas where I might adjust what was provided. Primarily in the Pillars of Play. I see alot of combat in the four hours that this adventure is estimated to run. Some of the Pillars of Play feel like they do not belong under their respective Pillar or belong somewhere else in the layout. Some of the pillars do not have associated checks to go along with that; easily remedied. Frequent big damage consequences that will decimate characters on the lower end of the Tier. This adventure can go in so many different directions! There were even some that I was thinking, "I wonder if my players will do X? instead of Y?". This adventure looks like it will be a fitting conclusion to its predesessor. Somehow Joyce has captured an adventure that should by rights be a higher tier adventure and perfectly fits it within the framework of a Tier One module. ... and the rewards do justify the effort .. especially if you catch the designer's homage in the uniquely flavored rewards. I was going to append my review after my players game, but I think it will be a no brainer... WELL DONE. Buy Verse I and II!
I will actually run this adventure tomorrow, but I read it tonight and have some thoughts. I will admit- I have been reluctant to buy it-I have found in the past, that CCC's that go all out on optics often fall short of content quality. This is the first exception that I have encountered. I like the story. I like how the Call to Action already is action packed! It seems like Anthony Joyce cuts to the chase this way, when deferring to players to come up with their own hooks. There's no confusion as to what the Objectives are. "Choosing a Side" makes the module fun, and I like that Joyce elaborates with sidebars on aspects that make the story "pop" for me. Some things that I noticed as I read- There are references to aspects that reward "evil characters" ... within the context of AL there is only one alignment that this would apply to, right (Lawful Evil)? is it alignment driven, if so. it seems limited, but I get it ... serving an evil cult and playing within that lane could be rewarding to characters motivated that way. Most DMs when reading out the 'Noticeable Tomes' Sidebar will already reveal what the player reads BEFORE they realize the books are written in different languages .. probably should make that the first thing revealed in the narrative about them. Treasure and Rewards in Area 8 had me wondering why they are under this subheading? Just for something for players to take? There doesn't doesn't appear to be anything that "leads" to Bonus Objective A. There is normally a "cue" beyond just the adventure flow chart. Maybe I missed it. Throwing Nezarrum into a fit of laughter is a cool thing .. but the way it is written it looks like that players get to do this twice each round? .. if they fail the group check at the beginning they get another chance on Nezarrum's turn? Why would DMs choose to have Nezarrum fall prone (curious)? I like that he is insane .. great touch! I hope that my players will enjoy this mod, because in just reading this, I am looking forward to running it and can now see how others have enjoyed it as well. Great job by all! UPDATE .. my players enjoyed it. I left the ending at the doors to the temple as a cliffhanger, and told them to be back next week to see what happens!