I’m having a hard time reviewing this title, because I was so excited to run my players through it, but then toward the end, things fell apart—and I’m not sure whether it’s the fault of our ignorance, or of product writing. I am a huge fan of heroic pulp adventure. I even have an actual-play podcast called Monkeys Took My Jetpack. So as soon as I saw the title, I *knew I’d be running this for my players. And I love the adventure itself; I love the pre-gens given for the job. But things got choppy in the climax, which uses the Mass Batle rules from SWADE. My group is fairly new to Savage Worlds, and had never used these Mass Battle rules before. From reading them, they looked pretty hand-wavy when it came to PCs’ actions within the battle; basically, describe what they’re doing, make a roll, consult a table, modify battle results accordingly. Same for the villains, as far as we could tell. But all the villains are fully statted in the adventure. There’s even a point where a group of bad guys goes after our heroes while the battle is going on. But at this point, our heroes were (as far as we understood from the adventure text) the only opposing people in the battle so far. So were we supposed to handle this as part of the MB, or as a separate, standard, combat? We got through it with a lot of shrugging and improv, and we had fun, and I suppose that’s all that really matters. Still, I felt like this should’ve been a much more satisfying experience. I’m just not sure whether it wasn’t so due to our ignorance of how mass battles work, or due to unclear writing, or some combination. I favor taking responsibility for my own GMing, which is why I only docked a star from my rating. I just wish I knew what I missed, to prevent similar unsatisfying experiences in the future. Still, great adventure ideas, and great pre-gens—which may find their way into other adventures of ours. So for those things, I do highly recommend this product. I just give a slight caveat, in the form of our group experience playing through it.