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Eldritch Masters [BUNDLE] $26.40 $14.95
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Eldritch Masters [BUNDLE]
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Eldritch Masters [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Curse o. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/08/2020 18:57:16

Eldritch Masters [BUNDLE] by E. R. F. Jordan (@erfjordan)

This is a colossal amount of eldritch ingenuity that collects so much awesome arcane wonders on one place! Maybe too much! This could be dangerous, but it’s worth the risk!

Book of Patrons

This is a supplement of six sensational Warlock Patrons ranging from the darkness of Apocalypse Incarnate through an ancient, mysterious Grimoire to the fleeting fancy of poetry and inspiration.

A truly inspired and original view of Warlock Patrons.

Eldritch Workshop (5e)

An incredible collection of 30 Eldritch Machines, building on those introduced in Eberron: Rising from the War.

These wild, practical and ridiculous inventions and experiments implement magic and magical mechanical effects in the most creative and inspiring ways.

Forbidden Spells

These 26 exciting eldritch deviancies allow casters to take a walk on the wild side!

Summon Shadows to do your bidding, use Hands of the Grave to have zombified hands claw at your foes, extend your machinations by creating a Lesser Phylactery!

These spells are warped, weird and perfect for evil NPCs to hurl at your players!

Hoard of Symbiotes

This is a creepy cool collection of 24 sentient magic items created by the warping of materials and flesh with the insidious intention to empower and corrupt.

Take the chance on a Belt of Skittering and gain the benefits of a spider’s manoeuvring...with the caveat that of you die while wearing them a giant wolf spider loyal to the Daelkyr will burst from your corpse. Chitinious Wings allow you to fly, but if you die... GIANT WASP! Become all-knowing with the Third Eye of Belashyrra....BEHOLDER!

Have devilish fun tempting your players with these wicked wonders or use them as inspiration for BBEGs and evolving boss fights!

Madness of Xoriat

My full review and short interview with E. R. F. Jordan

Vault of the Warlock

This is 22 weird, warped and wonderful magic items for the Eldritchly inclined.

Harness the power of the dead to reclaim Warlock slots with the Amulet of Trapped Souls, get a direct to your patron on the Tome Phone™ with the Book of Patronage or simply look bad arse with a Sword of Eldritch Flames.

A perfect treat for the Warlocks and those tempted by eldritch power in your life!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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