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Epic Wanderers: A Micro Chapbook RPG Supplement $0.99 $0.74
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Epic Wanderers: A Micro Chapbook RPG Supplement
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Epic Wanderers: A Micro Chapbook RPG Supplement
Publisher: Micro RPG
by Brian R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/17/2020 22:08:32

Each new entry to this series is more and more fun. I absolutely love how each self-contained game is also able to be combined with the others. But sometimes, some of those adventures can be, well, hard. A challenge is good, but sometimes you really want to be one more even footing.

Enter Epic level heroes. Humans? they're ok. Dark Elves are better. Or how about a fire-breathing Dragon Kindred? Maybe you really want to take it to the monsters in melee combat. So go ahead and write in the Epic abilities of your new Barbarian class. Or just drive everything off with your Warlord. Each of the four new classes and four new races come with some great special abilities. There are also Epic level weapons, armor, items, and rules for Epic level attributes.

Yeah, if you like the other chapbooks even a little, go ahead and throw this one in your cart. It's Epic.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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