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Crimson Dragon Slayer
Publisher: Kortthalis Publishing
by larry h. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/04/2018 18:56:14

Venger's take on OSR fantasy gaming, CDS puts you in your choice of race/class combo as you are transferred into an avatar in a video game. Six abilities, 3d6 generated scores, hit points, all familiar if you have experience with DnD/pathfinder type games and a simple advancement chart up to level 10. Warrior, wizard, thief, ranger classes with a couple subclasses and a d6 pool system make this a fairly simple game to pick up and a simple conversion rule lets you use OSR monters from similar systems, really a 40 page book thats got a game system and introductory adventure should be plenty of game time out of this product. Written in the vein of Venger's blue humor, I like this game and plan to use it for some one shots in the near future. I got the softcover and the cover has a nicely colored dragon, the interior art is b&w but very appropriate for the subject and looks like some was from a conan product.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Crimson Dragon Slayer
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Locks, Vaults, and Hiding Places
Publisher: Follow Me, And Die! Entertainment LLC
by larry h. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/30/2018 19:05:13

This product starts with a little blurb about the author's experience with locks and his father's locksmithing knowledge that was passed down, interesting and gives some background on why he wrote this. There are tables in here for random locks, vaults, and hiding places all as the title advertise. There are 13 pages in all, the cover depicting a thief taking some trap bolts to the back it seems with his surprised dungeon compatriot looking on. Subtitled A Game Master's Toolkit for How Valuables Are Secured and this product delivers, sections on lock material, size, decoration, condition, etc are included and vary enough to really make them unique. The section on Vaults goes over some reasons a vault would be used, by whom, and where it may be located along with methods for securing it and guarding it. There are more tables with variables for determining how well it's hidden, who hid it and why. Entances and Exits is sort of a bonus section covering city gates and how they operate along with some ideas about getting through or around them and those that watch them. There is a little bit of info on city jail/prisons and how they may have extra security features in them and finally a piece on thieves and some ideas about their motivations and playing them. Overall a well done product that is PWYW and suggested at $1 which i paid and consider it well worth it. You can tune in to the Follow Me, And Die! podcast on Anchor or your favorite podcatcher to hear the author talk about gaming and such.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Locks, Vaults, and Hiding Places
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Love & Justice
Publisher: Encoded Designs
by larry h. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/20/2018 19:44:19

This game is a hack of Lasers and Feelings and it's simple design and character creation were easy to follow and full of inspiring tips. Was able to play a game of this at Origins Game Fair with one of the creators, Senda, and it was a blast! With a passing knowledge of anime tropes you can easily and quickly get a group of friends into the action using this game. Characters are encouraged to help each other and throw in useful flashbacks to invoke friendship dice to help with important tasks. Game includes scenario generator to get your group into a troublesome framework quickly. D6's required for the game, a couple handfuls will do.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Love & Justice
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Adventure Writing Like A Fucking Boss
Publisher: Kortthalis Publishing
by larry h. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/18/2018 18:43:03

This booklet was made up of "short and sweet, quick and dirty guidelines" that provide a solid foundation for those with little or no idea of where to start. Perfect for me. Venger gives you some practical ways to come up with an adventure idea and how to turn that into enough material to become a playable adventure that should hit all the points of interest for your players. Guidelines for writing with style, sandbox vs railroading, and a nice breakdown of an adventure into its composite pieces were the most helpful to me mainly because I was a blank slate and needed help getting started with the basics. Advice on setting a scene and when to end it or take it up a notch and up the stakes was also new info for me and I'm glad it was included. As good as this was, the book How to Game Master Like a F+cking Boss was such a bigger book of GM tips and advice that I'd recommend that if you read this one and want to get more of Venger's advice on GMing.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Adventure Writing Like A Fucking Boss
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Delta Green: Need to Know -- Free Starter Rulebook
Publisher: Arc Dream Publishing
by larry h. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/29/2017 19:11:25

The little book has all the basic info and an introductory adventure, thats a great deal! It has a short overview of Delta Green, a How to be a Player section, How to be a Handler section, characters and character creation, and a chunk of pages on the game system and how to apply it. There's combat, damage, death, sanity, insanity, bonds and then the last section of the book is the adventure "Last Things Last". I bought the print version and the handlers screen along with the Delta Green Agents Handbook and cant wait for the Delta Green Handlers book to be out.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Delta Green: Need to Know -- Free Starter Rulebook
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