This adventure is full of Life! I love the concept of actually role-playing your way to success, and that other than the random encounters in the beginning, combat is not a factor. I can think of several points in past campaigns where the group lost their moral compass in the name of loot, and wish I had In Purr-suit of Happiness to run the very next week.
And, there is still a lot of great loot! The many shop items are unlike anything you will find in the 5e Equipment list. The items the party is working towards earning at the end of the festival are unique and would be an interesting addition to any campaign.
My favourite part of this story is the vibrant colour and design both on the page and in the text. There are so many details lovingly presented that it could seem overwhelming, but the author subtly explains terms in a way that inspires me to learn more. Did you know a Lassi is a sweet yogurt-based drink? I did not, but now I do, and am going to go find a mango flavoured one, it sounds delicious!